
A simple, stable, scalable and swift general web crawler.

Primary LanguagePython

Easy Crawler (beta)

A simple, stable, scalable and swift general web crawler.


  1. Simple less than 5 core classes.
  2. Swift 100+ qps (requests per second) on avg.
  3. Pluggable Dynamic Proxy Pool You can choose your own proxy pool freely, only need to add a few lines code.
  4. Adaptive Traffic Control Easy Crawler will control the scraping speed to fit your setting.
  5. High Scalability Easy to deploy as distributed crawlers.


  • Python 3+
  • Redis Server


    <Easy Crawler> ---- (1) get proxy IP --- <Proxy Pool>
 (2) pull and (3) push tasks
    <Redis queue> ($REDIS_HOST:$REDIS_PORT) 

Quick Start

# 1. Install requirements:
pip install -r requirements

# 2. Copy the .env:
cp .env.example .env

# 3. Modify the .env:
vi .env

# 4. Start redis server
sudo apt install redis-server # If you haven't installed redis-server

# 5. Start proxy pool server
# This example doesn't need a proxy pool server. It will use a fake proxy pool. For a crawler with real proxy pool, you can jump to `Build-in Proxy Pool` below for reference.

# 6. Run the Minimal Crawler

# HINT: You must run these scripts in the root directory of REPO
# linux or mac
export PYTHONPATH=. && python crawlers/simple_crawler.py
# windows
python python crawlers/simple_crawler.py

Run the Glosbe Crawler

Click Me

Custom Crawler

  1. Run the simple_crawler example in the Quick Start to check if the custom crawler foundation works.

  2. cp crawlers/simple_crawler.py crawlers/YOUR_crawler.py

  3. Modify the code in YOUR_crawler.py after reading the interface comments carefully.

  4. Run and enjoy your own crawler.

# linux or mac
export PYTHONPATH=. && python crawlers/YOUR_crawler.py 

# windows
python crawlers/YOUR_crawler.py 

Built-in Proxy Pool

  1. Install the proxy pool servers according to the guidance in their REPOs.
  2. Set the port in .env

Haip Proxy Pool

Repo: https://github.com/SpiderClub/haipproxy

  • Proxy Name: haip

Jhao104 Proxy Pool

Repo: https://github.com/jhao104/proxy_pool

  • Proxy Name: jhao104
  • Port: $JHAO104_PORT

Karmenzind Proxy Pool

Repo: https://github.com/Karmenzind/fp-server

  • Proxy Name: karmenzind
  • Port: $KARMEN_PORT

Scylla Proxy Pool

Repo: https://github.com/imWildCat/scylla

  • Proxy Name: scylla
  • Port: $SCYLLA_PORT

Chenjiandongx Proxy Pool

Repo: https://github.com/imWildCat/scylla

  • Proxy Name: scylla
  • Port: $CJDX_PORT

Mixed Proxy Pool

Mix all of above pools together.

  • Proxy Name: mixed

Fake Proxy Pool

Not use proxy.

  • Proxy Name: fake

Custom Proxy Pool

  1. Create a YOUR_PROXY_POOL.py in proxy_pools.
  2. Add a YOUR_PROXY_POOL class, which should extend core.proxy_pool.ProxyPool. Don't forget to add a @register_proxy_pool("YOUR_PROXY_POOL_NAME") decorator to your class.
  3. Implement collect_proxies. You can override get_proxy and feedback_proxy if necessary.
  4. Run your crawler with proxy_pool="YOUR_PROXY_POOL_NAME"
# crawlers/YOUR_Crawler.py
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Run `python crawlers/YOUR_Crawler.py` to test your proxy pool.

Distributed Deployment

Just run crawlers with same task_name in each container. They will share the job queue in redis.




Yi Ren (RayeRen)