

BMP(全称Bitmap)是Window操作系统中的标准图像文件格式,可以分成两类:设备相关位图(DDB)和设备无关位图(DIB),使用非常广。它采用位映射存储格式,除了图像深度可选以外,不采用其他任何压缩,因此,BMP文件所占用的空间很大。BMP文件的图像深度可选1bit、4bit、8bit及24bit。BMP文件存储数据时,图像的扫描方式是按从左到右、从下到上的顺序。 由于BMP文件格式是Windows环境中交换与图有关的数据的一种标准,因此在Windows环境中运行的图形图像软件都支持BMP图像格式。
BMP文件格式由文件头和原始位图数据Raw Bitmap Data构成(详见https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BMP_file_format)。


位图格式的文件头长度可变,而且其中参数繁多。但通常情况下bmp格式图片的文件头长度均为54字节,其中包括14字节的Bitmap文件头以及40字节的DIB(Device Independent Bitmap)数据头,或称位图信息数据头(BItmap Information Header)

  1. 位图文件头 Bitmap File Header (14 bytes) image

  2. 位图信息数据头 DIB Header (54 bytes) image

原始位图数据Raw Bitmap Data

图像数据块从文件头中起始偏移量字段所指出的位置开始,其中存放着位图图像的数据,数据格式由图像参数信息块中的压缩方式选项的取值决定。操作图像数据块时,需要注意: 当压缩方式为RGB时,图像数据块以“行”为单位双字(4字节)对齐,如1行像素的字节数不为4的倍数,则进行填充,直至4字节对齐为止(一般填充0)。

HLS Video Library

参考资料:UG902 (v2018.2) July 2, 2018

  • OpenCV Interface Functions
  • AXI Interface Functions
  • Video Processing Functions
    兼容标准的OpenCV函数,以操作和处理视频图像。这些函数使用hls::Mat数据类型,并可由Vivado HLS综合。Vivado HLS视频库中包含的视频处理函数是专门用于操作视频图像的。这些函数大多是为了加速相应的OpenCV函数而设计的。


Function Type Function Description
OpenCV Interface AXIvideo2cvMat Converts data from AXI4 video stream (hls::stream) format to OpenCV cv::Mat format
OpenCV Interface AXIvideo2CvMat Converts data from AXI4 video stream (hls::stream) format to OpenCV CvMat format2
OpenCV Interface AXIvideo2IplImage Converts data from AXI4 video stream (hls::stream) format to OpenCV IplImage format
OpenCV Interface cvMat2AXIvideo Converts data from OpenCV cv::Mat format to AXI4 video stream (hls::stream) format
OpenCV Interface CvMat2AXIvideo Converts data from OpenCV CvMat format to AXI4 video stream (hls::stream) format
OpenCV Interface cvMat2hlsMat Converts data from OpenCV cv::Mat format to hls::Mat format
OpenCV Interface CvMat2hlsMat Converts data from OpenCV CvMat format to hls::Mat format
OpenCV Interface CvMat2hlsWindow Converts data from OpenCV CvMat format to hls::Window format
OpenCV Interface hlsMat2cvMat Converts data from hls::Mat format to OpenCV cv::Mat format
OpenCV Interface hlsMat2CvMat Converts data from hls::Mat format to OpenCV CvMat format
OpenCV Interface hlsMat2IplImage Converts data from hls::Mat format to OpenCV IplImage format
OpenCV Interface hlsWindow2CvMat Converts data from hls::Window format to OpenCV CvMat format
OpenCV Interface IplImage2AXIvideo Converts data from OpenCV IplImage format to AXI4 video stream (hls::stream) format
OpenCV Interface IplImage2hlsMat Converts data from OpenCV IplImage format to hls::Mat format
AXI4-Interface AXIvideo2Mat Converts image data stored in hls::Mat format to an AXI4 video stream (hls::stream) format
AXI4-Interface Mat2AXIvideo Converts image data stored in AXI4 video stream (hls::stream) format to an image of hls::Mat format
AXI4-Interface Array2Mat Converts image data stored in an array to an image of hls::Mat format.
AXI4-Interface Array2Mat Converts image data stored hls::Mat format to an array.
Video Processing AbsDiff Computes the absolute difference between two input images src1 and src2 and saves the result in dst
Video Processing AddS Computes the per-element sum of an image src and a scalar scl
Video Processing AddWeighted Computes the weighted per-element sum of two image src1 and src2
Video Processing And Calculates the per-element bitwise logical conjunction of two images src1 and src2
Video Processing Avg Calculates an average of elements in image src
Video Processing AvgSdv Calculates an average of elements in image src
Video Processing Cmp Performs the per-element comparison of two input images src1 and src2
Video Processing CmpS Performs the comparison between the elements of input images src and the input value and saves the result in dst
Video Processing CornerHarris This function implements a Harris edge/corner detector
Video Processing CvtColor Converts a color image from or to a grayscale image
Video Processing Dilate Dilates the image src using the specified structuring element constructed within the kernel
Video Processing Duplicate Copies the input image src to two output images dst1 and dst2, for divergent point of two datapaths
Video Processing EqualizeHist Computes a histogram of each frame and uses it to normalize the range of the following frame
Video Processing Erode Erodes the image src using the specified structuring element constructed within kernel
Video Processing FASTX Implements the FAST corner detector, generating either a mask of corners, or an array of coordinates
Video Processing Filter2D Applies an arbitrary linear filter to the image src using the specified kernel
Video Processing GaussianBlur Applies a normalized 2D Gaussian Blur filter to the input
Video Processing Harris This function implements a Harris edge or corner detector
Video Processing HoughLines2 Implements the Hough line transform
Video Processing Integral Implements the computation of an integral image
Video Processing InitUndistortRectifyMap Generates map1 and map2, based on a set of parameters, where map1 and map2 are suitable inputs for hls::Remap()
Video Processing Max Calculates per-element maximum of two input images src1 and src2 and saves the result in dst
Video Processing MaxS Calculates the maximum between the elements of input images src and the input value and saves the result in dst
Video Processing Mean Calculates an average of elements in image src, and return the value of first channel of result scalar
Video Processing Merge Composes a multichannel image dst from several single-channel images
Video Processing Min Calculates per-element minimum of two input images src1 and src2 and saves the result in dst
Video Processing MinMaxLoc Finds the global minimum and maximum and their locations in input image src
Video Processing MinS Calculates the minimum between the elements of input images src and the input value and saves the result in dst
Video Processing Mul Calculates the per-element product of two input images src1 and src2
Video Processing Not Performs per-element bitwise inversion of image src
Video Processing PaintMask Each pixel of the destination image is either set to color (if mask is not zero) or the corresponding pixel from the input image
Video Processing PyrDown Blurs the image and then reduces the size by a factor of 2.
Video Processing PyrUp Upsamples the image by a factor of 2 and then blurs the image.
Video Processing Range Sets all value in image src by the following rule and return the result as image dst:dst(I) = (end-start)x(ixdst.cols+j)/(dst.rows*dst.cols)
Video Processing Remap Remaps the source image src to the destination image dst according to the given remapping
Video Processing Reduce Reduces 2D image src along dimension dim to a vector dst
Video Processing Resize Resizes the input image to the size of the output image using bilinear interpolation
Video Processing Set Sets elements in image src to a given scalar value scl
Video Processing Scale Converts an input image src with optional linear transformation
Video Processing Sobel Computes a horizontal or vertical Sobel filter, returning an estimate of the horizontal or vertical derivative.
Video Processing Split Divides a multichannel image src to several single-channel images
Video Processing SubRS Computes the differences between scalar value scl and elements of image src
Video Processing SubS Computes the differences between elements of image src and scalar value scl
Video Processing Sum Sums the elements of an image
Video Processing Threshold Performs a fixed-level threshold to each element in a single-channel image
Video Processing Zero Sets elements in image src to 0



  1. 创建HLS工程,选择板子型号为XC7Z020-CLG484-1,添加hls文件夹内的源文件及测试平台文件,然后依次点击Project、Project Settings...、Synthesis、Browse...,选择sobel作为顶层函数
  2. 修改宏INPUT_IMAGE和宏OUTPUT_IMAGE,分别表示待处理图片的文件路径以及图片输出路径。
  3. 点击Run C Simulation,进行C仿真。
  4. 点击Run C Synthesis,进行C综合。
  5. 点击Run C/RTL Cosimulation,进行C/RTL协同仿真。
  6. 点击Export RTL as IP,将综合后的代码导出为IP。

Block Design

  1. 创建Vivado工程,选择板子型号为XC7Z020-CLG484-1。

  2. 点击IP Catalog,添加HLS导出IP的路径。

  3. 点击Create Block Design,分别添加HLS导出的IP(名为sobel)、AXI VDMA IP核以及ZYNQ IP核。如下图所示: {9 35TN8QKGQEHJJNYUF4

  4. 配置IP核
    sobel ip:无需配置。
    axi vdma ip:将Frame Buffers设置为1,其余保持默认即可。
    zynq ip:包括勾选1个AXI GP接口,2个AXI HP接口,设置PL端时钟频率,勾选UART和SD,配置DDR型号(因开发板型号不同而不同)。

  5. 手动连接AXI STREAM接口,其余自动连线即可,连线完成后,进行Validate Design,最终的硬件系统如下所示 %A7~`}M_OHTW(P57PP$S L

  6. 右键block design文件,点击Create HDL Wrapper。

  7. 点击Generate Bitstream,进行综合、布局布线、生成比特流。

  8. File-->Export-->Export Hardware,勾选Include bitstream,然后点击OK。

  9. Tool-->Launch Vitis。


  1. Launch Vitis后,选择Workspace路径,点击Launch。
  2. 创建平台
    Create Platform Project,输入Project Name,next,next,点击Browse选择vivado导出的.xsa硬件描述文件,最后点击Finish。
  3. 选择zynq_fsbl下的Board Support Package,点击Modify BSP Settings,勾选xilffs,并将xilffs设置中的use_lfn的修改为1,以支持长文件名的读取。对standalone on ps7_cortexa9_0下的Board Support Package进行相同的操作。
  4. 创建SDK工程
    点击File-->New-->Application Project,填写Project name,next,next,next,选择Empty Application,点击Finish。
  5. 将sdk文件夹下的所有文件拷贝至创建工程的src文件夹下。
  6. 双击lscript.ld,修改堆栈大小。如将Stack Size和Heap Size均调节为0x2000000。
  7. 右键工程,点击Build Project。连接开发板,打开串口调试助手(波特率选择115200)。将bmp图片存入SD卡,插到FPGA开发板上。
  8. 烧写程序。右键工程,点击Run As-->Run Configuartions,双击Single Application Debug,点击Run。
  9. 可通过修改const char* input_image和const char* output_image来改变待测试图片和输出图片的文件名。
  10. 运行完成后,拔出SD卡,在PC上通过读卡器查看结果。


更换为其它HLS Open-CV处理函数


void rgb2gray(AXI_STREAM& INPUT_STREAM,AXI_STREAM& OUTPUT_STREAM,int rows,int cols);
void gaussian(AXI_STREAM& INPUT_STREAM,AXI_STREAM& OUTPUT_STREAM,int rows,int cols);
void binary(AXI_STREAM& INPUT_STREAM,AXI_STREAM& OUTPUT_STREAM,int rows,int cols);
void dilate_erode(AXI_STREAM& INPUT_STREAM,AXI_STREAM& OUTPUT_STREAM,int rows,int cols);
void fast_corner(AXI_STREAM & INPUT_STREAM,AXI_STREAM & OUTPUT_STREAM,int rows,int cols);

可以看到,这6个函数的参数是一致的:其中,INPUT_STREAM表示通过AXI STREAM接口输入的待处理图像,OUTPUT_STREAM表示通过AXI STREAM接口输出的已处理图像,rows、cols分别表示待处理图像的高、宽。其处理流程也类似,如下图方框内所示:


首先,将AXI STREAM协议输入的图片或视频通过hls::AXIvideo2Mat转化为hls::Mat数据类型,然后,通过HLS Video library函数链对其进行处理,处理完毕后,再通过hls::Mat2AXIvideo将hls::Mat数据类型转化为AXI STREAM协议的输出。

为了测试其它HLS Open-CV处理函数,仅需修改Demo中的:

  • HLS开发中的第1步:选择顶层函数,例如选择fast_corner。
  • SDK开发中的第5步:将main.c中的第11、80、110-113以及122行中的IP核名称修改为当前IP核的名字。
#include "xsobel.h"--->#include "fast_corner.h"       
XSobel hls_inst;--->XFast_corner hls_inst;    
//line 110-113,驱动函数        
XSobel_Set_rows(&hls_inst, (u32)h);--->XFast_corner_Set_rows(&hls_inst,(u32)h);
XSobel_Set_cols(&hls_inst, (u32)w);--->XFast_corner_Set_cols(&hls_inst, (u32)w);
