
Prompter for Embodied Instruction Following

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Prompter: Utilizing Large Language Model Prompting for a Data Efficient Embodied Instruction Following

Prompter: Utilizing Large Language Model Prompting for a Data Efficient Embodied Instruction Following
Yuki Inoue, Hiroki Ohashi
Hitachi, Ltd.


Setting up the environment

We use Docker for setting up the environment. If you do not plan on using Docker or have other issues, please also refer to FILM's setup procedure for setting up the environment. Our code is a fork of FILM from commit ID fa4aefda700a58b54d78a7e8e996f7c977cdd045.

If you plan on not using Docker for setting environment, make sure that you are using Python 3.6 and AI2THOR ver. 2.1.0.


  1. Clone the repo

    git clone ~
  2. Create the docker image

    cd docker
    docker build -t prompter .
  3. Additional preliminaries to use ALFRED scenes

    • You will need to download alfred scene data and process it using the alfred repo.

    • The last step asks to create a soft link from json_2.1.0 to alfred_data_all. However, in our experience we had to link from alfred_feat_2.1.0. The target folder is still the same, though (json_2.1.0).

      # before
      ln -s $ALFRED_ROOT/data/json_2.1.0 $FILM/alfred_data_all
      # after
      ln -s $ALFRED_ROOT/data/json_feat_2.1.0/ $FILM/alfred_data_all/json_2.1.0
    • After this step, alfred_data_all directory should look like this:

         └── json_2.1.0
          ├── tests_unseen
             ├── tests_seen
             ├── valid_unseen
             ├── tests_seen
             ├── trial_T2019...
             └── ...
  4. Download Trained models

    1. Download "Pretrained_Models_FILM" from this link kindly provided by FILM's author

    2. Relocate the downloaded models to the correct directories

      mv Pretrained_Models_FILM/maskrcnn_alfworld models/segmentation/maskrcnn_alfworld
      mv Pretrained_Models_FILM/depth_models models/depth/depth_models
      mv Pretrained_Models_FILM/new_best_model.pt models/semantic_policy/best_model_multi.pt

Running with headless machines

Running ALFRED environment on headless machines is not straightforward, and it heavily depends on your hardware configuration. The root of the problem is that ALFRED is based on Unity, which requires some sort of display to operate properly. Unfortunately, headless machines do not have displays, so it must be substituted by a virtual display, which is not straightforward to set up.

We will introduce here what worked for us; please also refer to discussions in FILM's repo, ALFRED's repo, and ALFRED worlds's repo if it does not work for you.

  1. You need to first run a Xserver with

    sudo python alfred_utils/scripts/startx.py 0
    • The number after startx.py indicates the ID in which you will set up the virtual display. If something is already running on that ID, you will receive an error Cannot establish any listening sockets - Make sure an X server isn't already running(EE). Try other numbers until you find the one that works.

    • If you set a Xdisplay other than 0 (if you ran python alfred_utils/scripts/startx.py 1, for example), set the environmental variable DISPLAY accordingly.

      export DISPLAY=:1
    • If you get an error: Only console users are allowed to run the X server, add the following line in /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config

      allowed_users = anybody
  2. Check that the display is accessible

    glxinfo | grep rendering
  3. Start another terminal session and run the following to evaluate the model. --x_display value must match the display ID you set in step 1.

    python main.py -n1 --max_episode_length 1000 --num_local_steps 25 --num_processes 1 --eval_split valid_unseen --from_idx 0 --to_idx 510 --max_fails 10 --debug_local --learned_depth --use_sem_seg --set_dn testrun -v 0 --which_gpu 0 --x_display 0 --sem_policy_type mlm --mlm_fname mlmscore_equal --mlm_options aggregate_sum sem_search_all spatial_norm temperature_annealing new_obstacle_fn no_slice_replay --seed 1 --splits alfred_data_small/splits/oct21.json --grid_sz 240 --mlm_temperature 1 --approx_last_action_success --language_granularity high --centering_strategy local_adjustment --target_offset_interaction 0.5 --obstacle_selem 9 --debug_env
    • Do not enable -v 1 on a headless machine.
    • This will run the evaluation on debug mode, which provides more readable error messages.
    • Details on the arguments for main.py is summarized here.

Training / Evaluation

Prompter is based solely on pretrained models. No additional training is performed.

If you plan on retraining the pretrained models used in Prompter, please refer to this link.

Evaluation and leaderboard submission is summarized in this document.

Helpful links


Our codebase is heavily based on So Yeon Min's FILM respository.

FILM repository borrows ideas from the following repositories:

If you plan on using this repository or take any ideas from it, please remember to cite our paper, Prompter, and Min et al's FILM, which Prompter was heavily influenced by.


  title={Prompter: Utilizing large language model prompting for a data efficient embodied instruction following},
  author={Inoue, Yuki and Ohashi, Hiroki},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.03267},


      title={FILM: Following Instructions in Language with Modular Methods}, 
      author={So Yeon Min and Devendra Singh Chaplot and Pradeep Ravikumar and Yonatan Bisk and Ruslan Salakhutdinov},