- 0
3615 8168
#83 opened by wenqing2023 - 0
ds3615xs r8168
#82 opened by wenqing2023 - 0
#81 opened by chaoxiaozhu - 0
- 0
#79 opened by mingzhenri - 1
Major bug: DS920 jumkey 7.0.1 42218 compiled by Black Qunhui to guide unlimited installation
#74 opened by chenxudong2020 - 0
- 0
ds920 453d
#77 opened by jiakesong1 - 0
- 5
Failed to install DSM Failed to install the file the file is probably corrupt. VMware ESXi 7.0.2
#64 opened by AkideLiu - 1
permissions cannot be changed
#75 opened by dranivil - 9
Wrong temperature ?
#70 opened by cola32 - 0
Support for ds1621p_42661 acpiv2
#73 opened by vslinuxdotnet - 0
Powerbutton doesn't work on my Synology
#69 opened by zailushang2008 - 0
12th sata bug?
#68 opened by Eric-168 - 0
Try using in Hyper-V
#66 opened by 91651 - 8
Can you add support for v7 @ 3617xs ?
#18 opened by proyy - 0
how can i get logs
#65 opened by buzai - 2
sata_remap opinion missing
#53 opened by lukemin - 2
Powerbutton DS3615xs on Proxmox ?
#63 opened by Odroid13 - 18
Synology Photo and Moments Face Detection Does not work with real SN and Mac on DS918+ VM
#45 opened by OrpheeGT - 1
SataPortMap can't work in 8+ sata disk
#62 opened by yanyu469 - 3
Cannot change built-in SATA to eSATA by modifying synoinfo.conf! 918+ 7.0.1 42214
#33 opened by wangweiwei104 - 1
#46 opened by thestreetdj - 2
- 0
No bspatch
#55 opened by mis1042 - 10
- 1
- 8
- 3
- 1
Is it desired that serial must exist? (esxi)
#51 opened by dmc31a42 - 2
Powerbuttom or qemu-guest-agent package
#47 opened - 0
Not all ram usable
#42 opened by as247 - 0
- 1
General purpose guide to porting RedPill to an experimental platform?
#38 opened by stevefan1999-personal - 2
- 0
Are there opportunities to support Hyper-V?
#36 opened by 91651 - 1
- 0
abnormal statistic on nic at e1000e
#35 opened by datahunter88 - 1
3615 7.0/6.2.4 repeats reboot on E3-1275v2
#27 opened by kangxicome - 2
ramdisk copy, extra modules not loading
#32 opened by labrouss - 1
how to add module igbvf?
#22 opened by skill7899 - 0
Write the 7.0.1loader into my udisk
#25 opened by brucexo - 2
- 0
Need inetd (telnetd) to start early for baremetal with no serial port for troubleshooting
#31 opened by labrouss - 0
- 1
Can you add support for 918+ in EXSI 6.7?
#20 opened by cqranjian - 4
UEFI support for Jxxx CPU-embedded board
#19 opened by dreamteki - 5
- 0
emby cannot use hardware decoding
#17 opened by PKC278