- alex-spataruGE Aerospace
- amorygalili
- aoberaiUC Berkeley
- c-flewCollege Station, Texas
- cjdenioEngineer over at @hackclub
- CodingKoopa
- Daltz333Ypsilanti, Michigan
- drakeervWando High School
- ewpratten@cloudflare
- ExploitSage
- GlebBabahovNtrepid
- grebneerg
- hayd1nNational Taiwan University of Science and Technology
- in-my-ellement@clemsonacm
- jkelleyrtpDioxus Labs
- kierajreed
- Matgenius04
- megarubberBrazil
- modelmatAustralia
- nhalstead@SecureCoders @SouthJerseyRobotics
- noraatfedora
- Noskcaj19Mars
- prateekmaSpaceX
- railroad890ROC / WOR
- retrodaredevilMissouri, United States
- rowan-slAperture Science Innovators
- RyanHirPlano, Texas
- sanjayseshanMIT
- sanjithudupastacks-js
- TechplexEngineerTechplex Labs
- TheTripleV
- vatanaksoytezerKabam Robotics
- vatbrain
- w8wjbMichigan, US
- YXGuanMcmaster University
- ZachOrrAtlanta, GA