
My Java Compiler, capable of compiling W, F, Java, and VHDL [ECE351]


My Java Compiler, capable of compiling W, F, Java, and VHDL [ECE351]

Please contact me if you want learn more about the compiler and/or want to see the code. (Redacted for confidentiality and compliance with P-71)


  • Languages: Java, W, F, VHDL, x64 Assembly
  • Concepts:
    • Techniques: Recursion, Parsing, Manipulaton of Immutable Data Structures, Idempotentency, Abstraction, OOP, Inheritance & Polymorphism
    • Algorithms: Recursive Descent, Parsing Algorithms
    • Data Structures: ASTs, Stacks, Hashsets/Hashmaps, Linked Lists, Immutable Data Structures
    • Concepts: Lexification/Lexical Analysis/Lexers, Tokenization, Parsing, Semantic Analysis, AST Building, Symbol Tables, Process Splitting, NFAs, DFAs, Finite & Infinite Automatas, Grammars, LL(1)
    • Other: GraphViz, SVGs, Parboiled