
A Dart package that generates code for the [mockito library](https://github.com/dart-lang/mockito).

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT

Mockito Code Generator

A Dart package that generates code for the mockito library.



BuildMock Annotation

Variables annotated with BuildMock will trigger code generation.

How it works

By adding the annotation to a variable that you want to mock:

part 'my_test.g.dart';

Cat _cat;

Dog _dog;

Dog _secondDog;

void main() {
  setUp(() {
    // Init mocks.

  test("Let's verify some behavior!", () {

And running

pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs

The generator will create the my_test.g.dart file for you:

part of 'my_test.dart';

class CatMock extends Mock implements Cat {}
class DogMock extends Mock implements Dog {}

void _initMocks() {
  _cat = CatMock();
  _dog = DogMock();
  _secondDog = DogMock();

It gets all annotated fields and create their corresponding Mock classes. It also creates a _initMocks method that initializes the annotated fields;

By using the generator you don't need to manually create the Mock classes.


  • Cat test - an example of how to use BuildMock annotation
