A Word Level Transformer layer based on PyTorch and 🤗 Transformers.
- ahmedbahaaeldinMicrosoft
- andrea-gaspariniRome
- andreabac3Sapienza University of Rome
- andreim14Italy
- BHX2Morgantown, WV
- caesar-oneSapienza University of Rome
- Carlosml26
- CHB-learnerShanghai
- creatorrr@julep-ai
- DennisRotondiStuttgart University
- edoboboSapienza University of Rome
- FlegyasRome, Italy
- fpcMotif
- framolfeseRome, Italy
- godkingjaySorsogon State University
- hellocymShanghai
- jon-chunKenyon College
- leifdenbyCopenhagen, DK
- LeonardoEmiliTranslated
- Leoputera2407
- LittlePea13Rome
- M49ICKPIxi3
- MatthiasEgti&m AG
- pigigaldi
- prosho-97@SapienzaNLP
- RiccorlPhD @SapienzaNLP
- SilSeverhttps://gladia.di.uniroma1.it/authors/severino/
- slowwavesleep
- sted97PhD Student at @SapienzaNLP group | NLP Researcher at @Babelscape.
- taha7ussein007_VOIS
- xuanhan863Los Angeles, USA
- yjcyxkyFudan University; Massachusetts General Hospital
- yuxiao-ww
- zeusm9Terni, Italy