
A project in SCUT!!!

Primary LanguageMATLAB

PUMA560 driven by PMSM

  • A project for 《自动化创新实践课程》
  • descriptions in detailed available at link

platform to run

  • win10
  • matlab2016b

directory structure

    - pmsmPara.m    # customise your owm PMSM configuration 
    - calPI.m       # calculate PI para for simulink model
    - slx/
        - current.slx   # test current loop
        - revelution.slx
        - postion.slx

    - stl/   # mechanical model of each link, which is git cloned from https://github.com/nimasarli/puma560_description
    - trajectory/   # some code is git from https://github.com/xuuyann/RobotLearningCode
    - startup_puma.m    # the script run before starting any slx model in puma 
