
Python package for Simulink-based reinforcement learning environments.

Primary LanguagePython

Python package for Simulink-based reinforcement learning environments.

This package contains custom OpenAI Gym environments that can interface with a Simulink simulation running in Matlab. This can be a powerful combination as Simulink is often used in engineering fields. Anyone who has experience with creating Simulink simulations can easily create brand new environments without learning anything new. At the same time, you can keep using the reinforcement learning libraries that you are familiar with using in Python.

As a final note, this package was meant to be used with Spacar simulations, which can be run inside Simulink. Spacar is a software package for the dynamic modelling and control of flexible multibody systems". The software is currently being developed by the Faculty of Engineering Technology at the University of Twente.

This package is not 100% finished. There is a bug that is likely caused by Spacar. However, Spacar is supposed to be completely optional, and the code should run fine without it. I want to refactor the code so it is more suited for use without Spacar, however I am unsure when this will be finished. I am aiming for sometime in the next two months.

Installation instructions

To install this Python package, use Python's pip tool:

# First make sure the git repository (i.e. the directory containing setup.py) is
# set as the working directory, then run this code
pip install .

The standard pip options are available, e.g. the -e option allows you to edit the package after it is installed (both templates and code), without having to install it again:

pip install -e .
# You can now change bikey's code, update files in the template directory, pull
# updates from Github, etc. without having to reinstall bikey


The two main components of this package are the SpacarEnv and BicycleEnv classes. SpacarEnv is not a full gym environment, therefore only BicycleEnv is registered as an environment.

To create an environment instance, import the module that defines the bicycle environment. This will automatically register the environment. This allows you to create an environment using gym.make:

import gym
import bikey.bicycle

env = gym.make("BicycleEnv-v0")
# this creates an instance of the BicycleEnv class

# or

env_with_options = gym.make(
    ... # consult the documentation of BicycleEnv for more options

Networked environments

The project for which this package is designed has a need for remote execution of environments, meaning the environment has to be controlled from a different computer than the one that runs the actual environment. This will add some latency and may make your training sessions less efficient.

Warning: currently the code for the NetworkEnv class lacks basic security features. The environments that run on the server are completely controlled by the client, and will run code without question. Use at your own risk. If you trust the client and server nodes, the network, and the environment, then you will probably be fine, but take this with a mountain of salt.

The NetworkEnv class is designed to be used with any gym environment, but at the moment it assumes the actions and observations of any underlying environment are numpy arrays. Another thing to be wary of is the lack of support for observation spaces and action spaces of any type other than gym.spaces.Discrete or gym.spaces.Box. If support for other spaces is needed you could easily implement this yourself, by adding functionality to gym_space_to_dict in bikey.network.env_process as well as dict_to_gym_space in bikey.network.network_env. Simply put the details necessary to describe and reconstruct a space in a dictionary, and make sure this dictionary can be serialized as JSON.

Run the bikey.network.server script to start an environment server:

python -m bikey.network.server

# or use the -h or --help flag to display the command's options:
python -m bikey.network.server -h

To shut down the server use the -s or --stop flags:

python -m bikey.network.server --stop

It should be run on the machine that started the server, otherwise the server will not shut down. This command will not automatically detect the address and port of a running server: they should be provided to the script.

Custom Simulink environments (work in progress)

This package makes creating your own Simulink environments as easy as possible. All you need to do is subclass bikey.spacar.SpacarEnv, override the process_step() function with the code for your own environment, and set up the correct observation and action spaces. The process_step() function defines the rules of the environment: it determines rewards, when to end an episode, and additionally it can provide some general info that can be useful when debugging a RL training session.

The basic Simulink template file has a very simple Simulink model: actions are provided to Simulink through a constant block, and outputs are read out from the Matlab workspace. If you need to customize this feel free to do so, but make sure there is a constant block with name 'actions', and a block that saves the last, and only the last, Spacar observation to 'out.observations' in the Matlab workspace.

Along with all of the settings available when instantiating an environment, this should give you plenty of room to create any setup you want.