
SWIG bindings for Dear Imgui (to Lua, and hopefully to other languages)

Primary LanguageSWIGMIT LicenseMIT


SWIG binding for Dear ImGui

This repo genertates Dear ImGui bindings to other languages (eg. Lua), by providing a imgui.i SWIG interface file.

SWIG is a software development tool that connects programs written in C and C++ with a variety of high-level programming languages (C#, Java, Lua, Python, Ruby, ...)

Dear ImGui: Bloat-free Graphical User interface for C++ with minimal dependencies

Current Status

  • SWIG 4.0.2
  • ImGui 1.85 master branch
    • imconfig.h (or customized IMGUI_USER_CONFIG)
    • imgui.h
  • Supported languages:
    • Lua
  • Supported backends:
    • none (You can compile the project without a backend)
    • glfw_opengl (for demonstrating how to add support for a particular backend. See files in the backendWrapper folder.)


This provided build method requires xmake and SWIG installed.

xmake config --menu # Config the project using a terminal ui. You choose a target language and other options in the menu `Project Configuration`.
xmake               # Build with saved configs.



-- To run this example, you need to config and build the repo with a working backend, eg.:
--   ```sh
--   xmake config --backend="glfw_opengl3" --language="lua" --lua_flavor="luajit"
--   xmake
--   ```
-- Then add the library into search path when starting Lua or LuaJIT. eg.:
--   ```sh
--   luajit -e "package.cpath=package.cpath..';./build/linux/x86_64/release/swigimgui_lua.so'" "example.lua"
--   ```

-- Load the modules from the library.
local ig = require "imgui"
local wrapper = require "imgui_backendWrapper"
local showDemo = true

-- Create a ImGui and backend context by initializing a window.
wrapper.InitWindow(1280, 720, "Dear ImGui GLFW+OpenGL3 example")

-- Main loop.
while not wrapper.WindowShouldClose() do

    -- Begin a new backend rendering frame.

    -- Do any ImGui or backend stuffs.
    if showDemo then
        showDemo = ig.ShowDemoWindow(showDemo)
    ig.Begin("Hello, world!")
    ig.Text("This is some useful text.")

    -- Apply and render the ImGui draw list, and end the frame.

-- Destroy the ImGui and backend context.

Performance Notes

  • Interops are expensive. Here are some tips to save interop counts:
    • If a simple struct instance is to be modified many times (eg. C++ ImVec2 value calculated inside a loop):
      • It might not be a good idea to use the struct fields directly in complex calculations, because SWIG wraps the getter and setter functions to contain implicit C/C++ <-> script type conversions. Instead, if needed, copy the fields as local types, and after calculations copy back the results to the struct instance.
      • ImVec2AsFloatP, ImVec4AsFloatP, FloatPAsImVec2, FloatPAsImVec4 are added as helper functions inside imgui.swig and usable for binding target languages.
    • You can modify the binding file to contain you own C/C++ functions to possibly prevent some interops happen, and generate bindings of them for your need.

Pull Requests are welcomed

Would be nicer if this repo can be a collection featuring Ruby/Python/... bindings as well!