River-Song-Pond's Stars
Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cases, provided by JHU CSSE
2019-nCoV 新冠状病毒 2019-12-01至今国家、省、市三级每日统计数据(支持接口读取)
Package to analyze likert based items.
An R package with Dynamic Models of infectious diseases
In this work, we use S-gene target failure (SGTF) as a proxy of variant status combined with reported case counts to explore the evidence for changes in transmission advantage over time for the Omicron variant. If present this could indicate the impact of immune escape, bias in SGTF data or differences in the populations within which the variants are circulating. We also report estimates for growth rates by variant and overall, case counts overall and by variant for a 14 day forecast window assuming constant future growth, the date at which Omicron will become dominant in England and in each NHS region, and the estimated cumulative percentage of the population with a reported Omicron case.
A shiny app which allows the exploration of the dynamics of a range of simple infectious disease models