Student, M.Sc. Quantitative Finance at the Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel | Working Student Data Science Vattenfall Energy Trading | Chair of Finance
Vattenfall Energy TradingKiel
RobertHennings's Followers
- adrianbeerKiel
- barraghann
- data-stepperVattenfall
- Doctor-batsyIbn Tofail University
- gevgtRWTH Aachen
- hannesharnischKPMG AG
- jofellaVattenfall Energy Trading GmbH
- johnpatrickroach@endexapp
- JonasMarmulla
- lebehnUniversity of Potsdam
- Mephistopheles-0Mälardalens University
- pascal-kuschkowitzJCNetwork
- tinix84NTB Buchs
- YannickKaeUniversal Investment
- zeus0219