Student, M.Sc. Quantitative Finance at the Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel | Working Student Data Science Vattenfall Energy Trading | Chair of Finance
Vattenfall Energy TradingKiel
RobertHennings's Following
- abhinav1630
- adrianbeerKiel
- AlexanderLauber
- antalratkuMunich, Germany
- Bocconi-NLPLab
- BSICMilan, Italy
- carbeerZurich
- datrickf
- drkostasUniversity of Tennessee, Knoxville
- EnergieIDAntwerp, Belgium
- federusso02
- Gotcha17IBM
- GuillemAmatCastelloBarcelona, Catalonia, Spain
- hansbuehlerLondon
- hudson-and-thamesLondon
- j-szulcTrustToken
- JerBoumaQuantitative Investment Strategist at a.s.r. asset management
- KevinKuo41Imperial College London
- leoschleier
- man-groupLondon
- MaximilianAhrens
- nikita-ivanovAllianz Global Investors
- Panke
- pascal-kuschkowitzJCNetwork
- pbourguignonOthoz GmbH
- phanigeninNew Jersey
- Quantco
- quantopianBoston, MA, USA
- rdan22
- steffen74
- techwithtim@Tech-With-Tim
- tiendattruongKiel, Germany
- tkacadej
- vasishthUniversität Potsdam
- Zhehao97Tsinghua University