
NexCOBOT NexMotion Python API

Primary LanguagePython


NexCOBOT NexMotion Python API
Language grade: Python


  • Windows 7/10


  • Install NexMotion Studio to get NexMotion C/C++ API and NexMotion.dll
  • Create MiniBOT (or Other six-axis robot arm) Configuration from NexMotion Studio
  • For operating real robot arm, do homing process in NexMotion Studio first.
  • Python2.7 32bit Version (NexMotion.dll is 32bit version).

Clone Nexmotion Python API (this repo).

In windows system, you can install Git to run following command in Git Bash. After installing Git, click Windows/start button (on left down side of the desktop) and find Git Bash application. In Git Bash, enter following command

# Go to Documents folder
cd Documents
# clone NexMotion Python API
git clone https://github.com/RobinCPC/NexMotion-Python_API.git

Set up python environment using virtualenv

REM install virtualenv
pip isntall virtualenv
REM cd to Document or where you store your code
cd \Users\<your_name>\Documents\
REM create folder 
mkdir python-virtual-env
cd python-virtual-env
REM create virtual env
virtualenv minibot-env
  • Activate environment and install necessary package for candy picking project
    Still in Windows CMD
REM activate python virtual env
cd Documents\python-virtual-env
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Back to this repo folder and launch jupyter notebook
cd Document\NexMotion-Python_API
jupyter notebook

Or, set up python environment using Anaconda.

Please install Anaconda3 and follow the below steps to set up python2.7 32bit environment and install necessary library. Open Anaconda Prompt and type following command:

# For 64bit Windos OS, install 32bits Python
conda create -n py27_32 python=2.7
# To activate `py27_32`
activate py27_32
# Install ctypes (call NexMotion.dll in python)
conda install -c conda-forge pywin32-ctypes
# add python 32bits as a kernel for Jupyter Lab/Notebook
conda install ipykernel
python -m ipykernel install --user --name py27_32 --display-name="Python 2.7 32bits"
# For jupyter notebook demo, we can use jupyter in defualt env and use py27_32 as a kernel. 

note: If you need to install extra python package or run python in prompt, set CONDA_FORCE_32BIT=1 is necessary before activate py27_32 environment.