

To use this package you will need to have the following Robotnik packages installed:

  • robotnik_msgs 🔗

1 poi_manager

A ROS node to manage the points of interest in a map. It reads a list of tagged positions from a YAML file and offers services to obtain the list and update it.

1.1 Parameters

  • ~filename (String, default: "test"): Name of the file that contains the saved POIs.

  • ~folder (String, default: "/path/to/poi_manager/config"): Folder location of the file that contains the saved POIs.

  • ~publish_markers (Bool, default: False): Flag to enable the publication of the POIs as visualization_msgs/MarkerArray

  • ~marker_topic (String, default: "markers"): Topic name where markers are published. Only used if publish_markers is true.

  • ~frequency (Float, default: 0.5): Markers publication frequency. Only used if publish_markers is true.

  • ~frame_id (String, default: "map"): Frame id at which the markers are published. Only used if publish_markers is true

1.2 Subscribed Topics

poi_manager does not subscirbe to any topic.

1.3 Published Topics

  • poi_manager/markers (visualization_msgs/MarkerArray): POIs published as MarkerArray to visualize them in RVIZ

1.4 Services

1.5 Services Called

poi_manager does not call to any service server.

1.6 Action server

poi_manager does not implement any action server.

1.7 Action clients called

poi_manager does not call to any action.

1.8 Required tf Transforms

poi_manager does not require any tf.

1.9 Provided tf Transforms

poi_manager does not provide any tf.

1.10 Bringup

To launch the node:

roslaunch poi_manager poi_manager.launch id_robot:=robot