Welcome to the RoboJackets URC software repo! This document will give you a brief description of the repo's layout and an overview of the repo.
- .github CI pipeline and PR/issue templates
- cmake CMake files to aid with building
- documents Research, design, and documentation
- external Where all our submodules are located
- urc_aruco Nodes used for detecting ArUco tags
- urc_gazebo Helper nodes used for simulation purposes
- urc_msgs Custom ROS messages used in various packages
- urc_teleop Rosbridge nodes and web interface for teleoperation
- Make sure you have followed the instructions in urc-rover for installing Ubuntu, ROS2 and the urc-rover and urc-drone repositories if you haven't already.
Ubuntu, ROS2, and Repository Installation Instructions - Set up PX4, an autopilot system bridged with ROS2 for determining drone logic. This is only required for the drone repository.
PX4 Installation Instructions
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