
Package request: ros2_control

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Package name


Operating System(s)

  • linux-64
  • linux-aarch64
  • osx-64
  • osx-arm64
  • win-64

Additional context (optional)

I am currently working on my personal project in ROS2 Humble and highly appreciate your effort of doing Robostack project!

I want to ask you about the ability of addition of ros2_control package. For my opinion it is quite base thing in ROS that is very widely used. Do you have plans to add it in the nerest future? I also will be happy to hear any advices about building this package on mac m1 from source to try to dig in into the problem!

Thank you in advance!

Links and references (optional)

Could you please open a pull request? It's as simple as adding one line to a yaml file, see e.g. #56

We already have it on linux-64:

Ok! Thank you!
I will do it!

Dear @thinkabout4x ros2_control is a meta package for several packages.
A significant amount are already available on robostack.

I checked it, thanks! For my case I am working on mac m1 and a lot of this packages such as ros-humble-ros2-controllers, ros-humble-gazebo-ros2-control are available only on linux or not available at all.

My goal is to make simple drone simulator with teleop control. I already set up model for gazebo and now looking for a solution to have a plugin for gazebo to actually make a drone control. The most straightforward solution for my opinion is using ros2_control package, but I also thought about of writing a plugin from scratch.
If you can give me any advices about what packages is better to use for my project I will be very happy!

Thank you very much!!!