
Preparing an environment/workspace for Inverse Kinematic (IK) solvers

Primary LanguagePython

ROS Workspace for IK Benchmarking

This workspace contains robot models and Inverse Kinematics (IK) benchmarking programs for performance comparison.


  1. Robot Models: Contains MoveIt config packages for various robot models

    • Kuka iiwa (7 DOF) arm

    • Universal Robot UR5 (6DOF) arm

    • NASA Valkyrie (44 DOF) humanoid

  2. IK Benchmarking Programs [WIP]: Programs to measure and compare the performance of the IK solvers.

    • This node calculates average success rate and solving time.

Getting Started

Clone the repo:

git clone https://github.com/Robotawi/ik_benchmarking_ws.git

Install dependencies and build the workspace:

cd ik_benchmarking_ws

rosdep install -r --from-paths . --ignore-src --rosdistro $ROS_DISTRO -y

colcon build

Source the workspace:

source install/setup.bash

Running the benchmarks (WIP)

The benchmarking program is designed to adapt to different robots and their corresponding moveit config packages. The main launch file start_ik_benchmarks.launch.py accepts two arguments, moveit_config_pkg, and move_group.

The moveit_config_pkg argument specifies the name of the robot's moveit_config package. This package contains the necessary configuration files and parameters for the robot's motion planning using MoveIt. By convention, the name of this package is like <robot_name>_moveit_config. The move_group argument provides the name of the robot's move group to use in the evaluation. The move group represents a subset of the robot's joints that are used for planning robot motion. If these arguments are not provided, the benchmarking program defaults to using the iiwa robot.

Run the following command to start the benchmarking program with the UR5 6 DOF robot arm:

ros2 launch ik_benchmarks start_ik_benchmarks.launch.py moveit_config_pkg:=ur5_moveit_config move_group:=ur5_arm

To switch to the iiwa 7 DOF arm, modify the two arguments accordingly to match the move group and moveit config package of the iiwa robot:

ros2 launch ik_benchmarks start_ik_benchmarks.launch.py moveit_config_pkg:=iiwa_moveit_config move_group:=iiwa_arm