
Collection of R Packages that support analysis for the purposes of Health Technology Assessment (HTA)

Primary LanguageRApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Global HTA Evidence Open

This repository contains links to code and analysis made open source from Global Access Evidence.



This package facilitates performing survival analysis to support the creation of Excel based economic models by providing helper functions to use alongside the flexsurv package.

Repository Documentation
https://github.com/Roche/flexsurvPlus https://roche.github.io/flexsurvPlus


This package implements some convinience functions for perfoming Bayesian NMA using the gemtc package for standard models (binary data, hazard ratio data). It also contains some more advanced models for time-to-event data with time varying hazard ratios, such as fractional polynomial NMAs and piecewise exponential NMA models.

Repository Documentation
https://github.com/Roche/gemtcPlus https://roche.github.io/gemtcPlus


This package facilitates performing matching-adjusted indirect comparison (MAIC) anaylsis for a disconnected treatment network where the endpoint of interest is either time-to-event (e.g. overall survival) or binary (e.g. objective tumor response).

Repository Documentation
https://github.com/Roche/MAIC https://roche.github.io/MAIC


This package implements some convinience functions for working with the rpsftm package and general analysis of trials affected by treatment switching.

Repository Documentation
https://github.com/Roche/rpsftmPlus https://roche.github.io/rpsftmPlus


This package facilitates performing discrete event simulations without resource constraints for cost-effectiveness analysis.

Repository Documentation
https://github.com/Roche/descem https://roche.github.io/descem