
There are 26 repositories under health-economic-evaluation topic.

  • hesim-dev/hesim

    Health economic simulation modeling and decision analysis

  • giabaio/survHE

    Survival analysis in health economic evaluation Contains a suite of functions to systematise the workflow involving survival analysis in health economic evaluation. survHE can fit a large range of survival models using both a frequentist approach (by calling the R package flexsurv) and a Bayesian perspective.

  • pierucci/heemod

    :chart_with_upwards_trend:Markov Models for Health Economic Evaluations

  • giabaio/BCEA

    Bayesian Cost Effectiveness Analysis. Given the results of a Bayesian model (possibly based on MCMC) in the form of simulations from the posterior distributions of suitable variables of costs and clinical benefits for two or more interventions, produces a health economic evaluation. Compares one of the interventions (the "reference") to the others ("comparators"). Produces many summary and plots to analyse the results

  • DARTH-git/darthtools

    Tools for building decision models for health technology assessment.

  • TLOmodel


    Epidemiology modelling framework for the Thanzi la Onse project

  • Roche/Global-HTA-Evidence-Open

    Collection of R Packages that support analysis for the purposes of Health Technology Assessment (HTA)

  • seabbs/SpeedyMarkov

    Speed up Discrete Markov Model Simulations.

  • bristolmathmodellers/biddmodellingcourse

    Slides and Practicals for the BIDD modelling short course

  • ielbadisy/CEACT

    Cost-Effectiveness Analysis for Clinical Trials

  • petteriTeikari/glaucoma_screening

    Health Economics simulation

  • AnGabrio/missingHE

    Health economic evaluations from individual level data with missing values using a set of pre-defined Bayesian models written in BUGS. A series of parametric models are available to jointly model partially-observed effectiveness and cost outcomes under both ignorable and nonignroable missing data mechanism assumptions

  • joostgeenen/PSA-ReD

    PSA-ReD is a novel approach to the traditional scatterplot for displaying the results of Probabilistic Sensitivity Analysis. Here, we provide the script and an example dataset so that everyone can use this new and improved approach. This new approach is described in detail in the paper titled "Increasing the information provided by probabilistic sensitivity analysis: The relative density plot"

  • Roche/gemtcPlus

    R package that provides models and functions to fit non-standard NMAs: piecewise exponential models and fractional polynomial models for grouped survival data (derived from digitized Kaplan-Meier curves).

  • AnGabrio/short-course

    Short course on Bayesian methods for addressing missing data in health economic evaluations

  • giabaio/EVSI

    A suite of functions for the calculation and presentation of the Expected Value of Sample Information.

  • giabaio/survHEinla

    Survival analysis in health economic evaluation using Bayesian modelling though Integrated Nested Laplace Approximation. Contains a suite of functions to systematise the workflow involving survival analysis in health economic evaluation.

  • Roche/descem

    R package that facilitates the use of discrete event simulations without resource constraints for cost-effectiveness analysis.

  • Roche/rpsftmPlus

    R package that extends the rpsftm package with some useful default reports and functions to facilitate sensitivity analysis. Covering descriptive, diagnostic and reporting aspects.

  • tristansnowsill/mgf-example

    Example of using the moment-generating function method for health economic evaluation in R

  • Roche/flexsurvPlus

    R package that facilitates performing survival analysis to support the creation of Excel based economic models by providing helper functions to use alongside the flexsurv package.

  • Roche/MAIC

    R package that facilitates performing matching-adjusted indirect comparison (MAIC) anaylsis for a disconnected treatment network where the endpoint of interest is either time-to-event (e.g. overall survival) or binary (e.g. objective tumor response).

  • krijkamp/Microsimulation-R

    Microsimulation paper

  • ronhandels/IPECAD

    IPECAD open-source model

  • Pechli-Lab/PLGG-Health-economic-model

    R code to recreate cost-effectiveness analysis in the 'Clinical and Economic Impact of Molecular Testing for BRAF Fusion in Pediatric Low-Grade Glioma' manuscript.

  • RobertASmith/About_me

    I am a health economist currently funded by the Wellcome Trust and the University of Sheffield.