Survival analysis in health economic evaluation Contains a suite of functions to systematise the workflow involving survival analysis in health economic evaluation. survHE can fit a large range of survival models using both a frequentist approach (by calling the R package flexsurv) and a Bayesian perspective.
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Error even when survival data is monotonic
#58 opened by fair21comic - 2
Error: incompatible types (from closure to double)
#57 opened by Ysann3 - 12
Formatting of inputs for digitise function
#24 opened by NatalieSoto - 3
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Small bugs in survHE
#45 opened by Philip-Cooney - 5
Non-finite finite-difference value Error
#44 opened by rianmiller - 2
Issue with survival time limits
#43 opened by rianmiller - 12
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Adding weights statement
#38 opened by joannegregory - 9
Issue with make.transition.probs function
#37 opened by LorenzC91 - 2
Adding survival models with frailties and flexible baseline hazards to survHE
#36 opened by canuckafar - 1 in plot.survHE only works when the first element of the mods vector is specified
#35 opened by David-Andrew-Jones - 1
Style suggestion
#33 opened by n8thangreen - 0
More flexible bayesian Royston-Parmar models.
#32 opened by albertocarm - 4
Error with function digitise
#30 opened by IlariaPiergentili - 1
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print.survHE() fails when no covariates are supplied to a generalized gamma model using HMC
#26 opened by andbe - 1
Development version installation issue under Windows (CXX14 not defined) [Solved]
#25 opened by andbe - 2
memory usage tipping point
#23 opened by Geoff-Holmes - 4
plot model
#21 opened by Geoff-Holmes - 2
covariate interaction terms
#20 opened by Geoff-Holmes - 2
deprecated constructor with hmc method
#19 opened by Geoff-Holmes - 7
Roadmap - future development
#15 opened by giabaio - 11
Weibull model using INLA
#17 opened by lemna - 3
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testing Gompertz assumptions fails
#9 opened by lemna - 6
Release, installation instructions
#14 opened by lemna - 3
create development branch?
#13 opened by lemna - 1
surv.mean() is missing
#4 opened by lemna - 4
installation fails
#1 opened by lemna