A PX4 flight log (ulog) visual analysis tool, inspired by FlightGear, and written in Python.
For other log analysis tools see dev.px4.io
There are two way to install/run pyFlightAnalysis.
pyFlightAnalysis is based on: pyqtgraph (which is based on PyQt), pyOpenGL, pyulog, and a number of other widely used scientific packages including numpy, matplotlib, etc. Once you have installed these package you can download and run the source file:
>>> # In folder where you want put the source code
>>> git clone https://github.com/Marxlp/pyFlightAnalysis.git
>>> cd pyFlightAnalysis/src
>>> python analysis.py
PyQt4 can't directly be installed using pip so you need to install it manually (if using Anaconda, install using the command: conda install pyqt). PyQt5 installs directly from pip, but only supports Python 3.x.
After installing PyQt do:
>>> # Install from pypi
>>> pip install pyFlightAnalysis
>>> # or install from source
>>> git clone https://github.com/Marxlp/pyFlightAnalysis.git
>>> python setup.py install
>>> # then run it
>>> analysis
- Dynamic filter for displaying data
- 3D visulization for attitude and position of drone
- Easily replay with pyqtgraph's ROI (Region Of Interest)
Brief usage tutorial of pyFlightAnalysis
- Open log file (currently only support .ulg format) by clicked .
- Choose data by using filter and double click to add it.
- Change color or toggle visibility .
- Scroll the middle wheel of mouse to zoom, press down and drag to move the curve.
- Click to show 3D viewer ( currently may not be robust).
- Press to play ( you'd better open the 3D viewer to show the animation).
If you have installed PyQt4 and pyqtgraph but get the error below:
ImportError: cannot import name QtOpenGL
>>> sudo apt-get install python-qt4-gl