
ROS package to initialize navsat_transform_node via the datum service

Primary LanguagePython


The navsat_datum_initializer package, based on RComponent structure. Node to call the datum service of navstat_transform_node.

The purpose of the package is to initialize the global position and orientation (specially) for the node navsat_transform_node in the robot_localization package. Although it has been tested on this fork.

How it works?

The idea is:

  • Move the robot forward (just linear x velocity).
  • Save gps coordinates
  • Estimate the linear equation by using linear regression
  • Calculate the angle of the vector that goes from the initial coordinate to the last one.
  • Set the datum into the navsat_transform_node



The rest ones can be installed with rosdep on the workspace.

rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro=${ROS_DISTRO} -y

1 datum_initializer_node

Node in charge of performing the actions described above.

1.1 Parameters

  • ~desired_freq (double, default: 10) Desired control loop frecuency
  • ~gps_topic_name (string, default: 'gps/fix') Topic to read the current gps fix coordinates
  • ~cmd_vel_topic_name (string, default: 'cmd_vel') Topic to send velocity commands to the robot
  • ~base_frame (string, default: 'base_link') Base frame id. Used to check the distance traveled related to fixed_frame
  • ~fixed_frame (string, default: 'odom') Fixed frame id
  • ~set_datum_service_name (string, default: 'navsat_transform_node/datum') Service name to set the datum

1.2 Subscribed Topics

  • gps/fix (sensor_msgs/NavSatFix) Gets the current gps fix coordinates

1.3 Published Topics

  • cmd_vel (geometry_msgs/Twist) topic description, including any important rate information

1.4 Services

1.5 Services Called

  • navsat_transform_node/datum (navsat_transform_node/SetDatum) Sets the global frame origin on navsat_transform_node

1.6 Action server

  • action (navsat_datum_initializer/DatumInitializer) Triggers the measurement process and the estimation of the new datum

1.7 Action clients called

1.8 Required tf Transforms

  • fixed_frame → base_frame

1.9 Provided tf Transforms

1.10 Bringup