In order to accelerate progress in cohort studies, we proposed a hierarchical neuroscience knowledge base consisting of projects/organizations, multi-modal databases and toolkits, and take the information object in Frontiers in Neuroscience as a example input. Meanwhile, we developed and open sourced the query tool, PDT_fninf , so that researchers can quickly access the knowledge base, as shown in below figure.
##Step1: Download and unzip the Github repository to your local or server;
- git clone
- tar xzvf PDT_fninf.tar.gz your local path/PDT_fninf
##Step2:Start the flask-based API service;
- python
- demo: Using the Google Chrome to request services in
##Step3:Select the information object category within ["Projects","Databases","Tooklkits"];
##Step4:Input the corresponding keywords like "neuroimaging;austim";
##Step5:Press Enter to retrieve the content your need.