
Code for Chasman et al, PLOS Comp Biol 2016.

Primary LanguageGAMS


Code for integrative analysis of host transcriptomic/proteomic response to pathogens.

Contains two code modules:

  • A. MTG-LASSO to infer protein regulators of gene expression modules
  • B. Physical subnetwork inference to connect predicted regulators for modules

A. MTG-LASSO to infer protein regulators of gene expression modules


Written with MATLAB 2014b, SLEP v4.1, Python 2.7, bash.

Step 1: Run MTG-LASSO/LASSO to learn regression weights for regulators to targets.

The bash script, infer_protein_regs.sh, allows the user to run protein regulator inference using either MTG-LASSO or LASSO once the following are specified:

  • Location of protein data file (text, tab-delimited matrix)
  • Location of gene expression module files (one file per module)
  • Output directory

Step 2: Extract high-confidence protein regulators.

We extract high-confidence protein regulators based on frequency across folds as well as setting a threshold for regression weight and testing that the protein is not randomly assigned that weight under permutations of the protein data. Main script for that step: get_highconf_regs.sh

B. Physical subnetwork inference to connect predicted regulators for modules


Java, Python 2.7, GAMS, CPLEX, bash.

Step 1. Generate candidate paths to connect regulators for each module (gen_paths)

Finds all directed paths up to a given length that connect 'upstream' regulators (eg, signaling proteins or other protein-level regulators that indirectly influence gene expression) to 'downstream' regulators (eg, transcription factors that directly affect RNA levels).

Main script: gen_paths/get_paths_for_modules.sh

Source code for influenza_subnet.jar is in the src/ directory. Main class: apps/InfluenzaMain

Produces GAMS-ready files in directory gams_input/.

Step 2. Optimize ILP to identify sparse subnetwork for each module (optimize)

This step requires GAMS/CPLEX. (With some revisions, a different GAMS-compatible MIP solver could be used instead of CPLEX.)

Main script: optimize/run_modules.sh