
Inclusion of subfolders

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Regarding the subfolder management. In pycharm, as I mentioned, it is possible to avoid the use of the sys and os libraries by setting up the folder with all the files as root and all the subfolders labeled as source. This can be done once the project is created in File->Settings->Project Structure. It any of us sticks to a different IDE, we can leave as it makes no influence or effect on the project on pycharm (already verified).

Just for the sake of clarity and to save time if you want to switch to pycharm.

  • When creating a project, you can create or add interpreters (that is, python itself, basically). You can add your global path to python, which is usually enough and mostly considering that we don't have many projects simultaneously or create a copy of your python in the project folder itself.
  • Also, for the rub/debug configuration, just add the interpreter and the path to the simulation file and create (more instructions online).
  • When creating the project make sure that the root folder in the project structure (location in the previous message) is the PDM Project folder and not some source file within. If so, delete the root path existent and add the path to the PDM Project folder.
  • Finally, label all the folders as "source" with the blue icon at the top of the page.

And as I said in the group, @lxj595595 @yuezhezhang let me know if you have any trouble with this. Paul and I are already working on pyCharm and works really nicely but hey, as long as the project works for everyone it's fine by me :)

Since we have already solved compatibility issues between IDEs we can close it, the issue will remain inactive but not deleted for informative purposes in case anyone wants to switch to pycharm.