
Motion Planning Group Project - Tried to find a shortest watchman route (robot shortest path) by solving the art gallery problem to find the optimal scan locations, and then connected these scan locations by solving the travelling salesman problem

Primary LanguagePython


Motion Planning Group Project

Shreyas Kanjalkar, Rutwik Bonde


Before you run the code, make sure you have all the requirements met:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Usage Guidelines

To run this project, you will need to clone this repository in your local project folder using the following command:

git clone https://github.com/Rubo12345/Constructing-a-watchman-route-for-an-indoor-environment.git

More details about running the code are given below

Problem Statement:

Try to find the Watchman Route, when the area of map is given, by using the optimal positions of static guards.


For a given "realistic" polygon with or without holes, first find the ideal static guard locations by using the geometry of the polygon. In this case, we check the visibility of the edges of the polygon for each vertex and choose the vertex which has the highest visibility, and keep on recursively repeating this process till all the edges of the polygon are guarded. Here our guards are considered Omnipotent meaning they have 360 degree vision and no limit on how far they can look. There are also certain constraints where if the guard can see < 10 degrees of the edge, then it is not considered to be guarded by that particular guard. Given the positions of these guards, if the watchman were to visit all these guard locations at least once then it would mean that the watchman has guarded all the edges of the polygon and thus successfully completed a watchman route.

Art Gallery Problem - Scan Locations:

Art Gallery Problem is a problem to determine the minimum number of scan locations that are required or are sufficient to cover or see every point in the interior of an indoor environment. An indoor environment can be viewed as a polygon with or without holes with a total of n vertices; and scanners as points in the polygon, or on the vertex of the polygon. or on the edge of the polygon. Any point P in the polygon is said to be visible from a scanner G if the line segment joining P and G does not intersect the exterior of the polygon.

Proposed Algorithm to solve the Art Gallery Problem:

  1. Create a polygon
  2. Find a vertex(Vi) in the polygon which scans maximum no. of edges of the polygon
  3. Now search for edges that remain unscanned by the previous vertex (Vi)
  4. Find another vertex (Vj) on the polygon which scans maximum of the remaining unscanned edges.
  5. Continue step 3 and 4 until all th edges are scans

The figure below gives an idea of how the algorithm works:

Proposed Algorithm Flow

Run the following python code to get the solution for Art Gallery Problem:

  • The Shrink_Polygon_AGP.py gives the output as a list of co-ordinates of the scan locations (on the vertices of the polygon)


  • The Final_Voronoi_New_and_Short.py gives the output as a list of co-ordinates of the scan locations (on the vertices of the voronoi diagram of the polygon)


    (The detailed instructions for the above codes are given in code itself)

AGP for polygon with holes



More details on AGP: Art Gallery Problem

Travelling Salesman Problem - Watchman Route:

Watchman Route is considered a Travelling Salesman Problem, which is defined as Given a list of cities and the distances between each pair of cities, what is the shortest possible route that visits each city exactly once and returns to the origin city?". In our case the cities are replaced with guard locations. In normal TSP, you get the path distance between two cities directly by connecting them in a straight line. However, for our case, the points are constrained in the polygon and subsequently subjected to discretization. In order to connect the points, we used Dijkstra and A* search algorithm by setting heuristic as eucledian distance between the points. Here we have to consider if a point is inside the polygon or not before exploring those points.

After we get the adjacency matrix of path lengths for each guard, we use them as input for the three algorithms we have tried to implement:

  1. Brute Force
  2. Held-Karp Algorithm
  3. Genetic Algorithm

To run the code, please type in

python search.py --holes

to run the code without holes and

python serach.py --no-holes

This will print the path length for each Algorithm and the time it took for that algorithm, and the order of traversal.

The figure below gives an idea of how the TSP works: TSP_Path

TSP for polygon with holes: HOLES_TSP_PATH

Even though we say the route is "Optimal", it is optimal only in the contrained discretized grid. If we keep on discretizing the grid even finer, we will get a better result but we can never escape the curse of discretization. Perhaps, one better approach could be to try to directly connect the scan locations in a straight line and when we encounter an obstacle, in this case would be the polygon boundary or holes within the polygon, we can switch to A* or Dijkstra algorithm to find the path. Some mix of Global and Local planner perhaps.

Sampling Based Methods implementation:

RRT and its Variants:


Probabilistic Roadmap using different sampling methods:


Sampling based methods for polygon with holes:
