
This Python script automates job searches on LinkedIn. Users can specify keywords and locations, with extracted job details stored in JSON format. Simplified configuration with easy-to-use functionality.

Primary LanguagePython

LinkedIn Job Scraper

This project provides a Python script to automate searching for jobs on LinkedIn and scraping relevant data into a JSON file.

Table of Contents


  • Conducts job searches on LinkedIn based on user-specified keywords and city.
  • Extracts essential job details (title, company name, location, and URL) from search results.
  • Saves scraped data in a well-formatted JSON file.


  "email": "your_linkedin_email",
  "password": "your_linkedin_password",
  "keyword": "your_desired_job_keyword",
  "city": "your_desired_city"


  1. Download and install ChromeDriver for your operating system.

  2. Install the required Python libraries:

    pip install selenium


  1. Create a config.json file in the same directory as this script, filling in your LinkedIn credentials and search preferences.

  2. Run the script:

    main.py  # Assuming the script is named main.py


  • The script will display job details (title, company, location, URL) on the console during scraping.
  • A JSON file named python_job_applications.json will be created in the same directory, containing the scraped data in a structured format.

Video Demonstration


Additional Notes

  • This script is for educational purposes only. Use it responsibly and in accordance with LinkedIn's terms of service.
  • Consider adding error handling for potential issues during the scraping process.
  • You may need to update the script for any significant changes in LinkedIn's website structure.

Feel free to contribute or ask questions!