
stochastic_optimization.ipynb from manipulation online couse stopped running

wf34 opened this issue · 4 comments

wf34 commented

The version of stochastic_optimization.ipynb available in course colabs has stopped installing for me, failing with the error:

AssertionError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-7-a9ee8c645c2f> in <module>()
      8     #            "")
      9     from setup_manipulation_colab import setup_manipulation
---> 10     setup_manipulation(manipulation_sha='14145ea656da5bdeb7a7ae4fbd7e28b8e464e544', drake_version='0.25.0', drake_build='releases')
     12 from IPython import get_ipython

2 frames
/content/ in setup_drake(version, build)
    110     # Confirm that we now have pydrake on the path.
    111     assert spec is not None, (
--> 112         "Installation failed.  find_spec('pydrake') returned None.")
    113     assert path in spec.origin, (
    114         "Installation failed.  find_spec is locating pydrake, but not in the "

AssertionError: Installation failed.  find_spec('pydrake') returned None.

Could this be resolved?

wf34 commented

looks like it reproduces for other notebooks too
(have tried policy_gradient.ipynb)

This is due to google colab updating (without warning) from python3.6 to python3.7
I have updated the installation script in intro.ipynb and the early chapters (if you grab the first cell from that notebook, then these notebooks should work, too). I'll update the rest very soon!

oops. it's the intro.ipynb from my underactuated notes that I've updated. i'll fix this one now, too.

These notebooks (and most notebooks) should work again now, albeit with a few warnings on installation that will take some more cleanup. Do let me know if you find any other problems.