- 3
Publish crate with license files
#187 opened by afq984 - 1
- 0
- 2
Offset phase in Signal
#181 opened by viktaur - 1
Implement Frame generically over arbitrary N channels
#179 opened by rawler - 0
- 0
- 0
Downsampling using Sinc causes aliasing
#174 opened by Azorlogh - 0
Getting Error 'The requested stream configuration is not supported by the device on Mac with wav files' running the play wav example
#173 opened by dathinaios - 0
Readme code error
#171 opened by yingshaoxo - 0
Feature request: integrate ebur128
#170 opened by sagudev - 0
- 0
buffer struct?
#168 opened by Be-ing - 1
Overflow when adding two unsigned integers
#167 opened by PanieriLorenzo - 0
- 3
Feature Request: Support for Planar Sample-layouts
#154 opened by rawler - 2
- 1
Resample Example does not work.
#158 opened by patrickvonplaten - 2
Incorrect feature name for `window` in `dasp`
#150 opened by linclelinkpart5 - 1
Add a way to reset interpolator
#162 opened by vaffeine - 1
- 1
- 7
- 1
Graph: Add EdgeWeight to Input
#144 opened by Hendrik410 - 0
- 1
- 0
Adding biquad filtering to `Signal`
#145 opened by linclelinkpart5 - 3
Should Interpolator support f32?
#119 opened by mitchhentges - 5
Lots of noise in downsampling from 48KHz to 16KHz
#135 opened by overhacked - 1
Compiler error in rustc-nightly 2020-10-06
#136 opened by Herschel - 0
Instructive Documentation
#134 opened by Plecra - 1
Could not find `interpolate` in `dasp`
#126 opened by chaosprint - 2
- 1
Hanning window should be renamed to Hann
#127 opened by chohner - 0
What happened to `sample`?
#124 opened by mitchmindtree - 1
Split into several features
#112 opened by PieterPenninckx - 0
Once stabilised, use the `doc_cfg` feature to automatically tag items with their required features in documentation
#122 opened by mitchmindtree - 0
- 1
Sample should have super traits
#118 opened by bkfox - 4
- 3
ring_buffer not included in hosted docs
#115 opened by willstott101 - 2
Add an example for working with signals with channels amount determined at runtime
#114 opened by MOZGIII - 1
Resampling to the same sample rate produces NaNs
#111 opened by sevagh - 2
Bug in Sinc Interpolator
#106 opened by 0xcaff - 1
- 9
- 2
More examples
#99 opened by supercurio - 0
Variable Hz object should take Signal
#97 opened by andrewcsmith - 4
How to initialize ring_buffer
#94 opened by kgreenek - 0
Add Benchmarks
#89 opened by mitchmindtree