A basic RSS feed aggregator built with Python & Django.
- Import News/Blog Posts from RSS/Atom Feeds.
- Browse All Articles by Publication Date.
- Filter & Browse Articles by Feed.
The News Website uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
- Django - The Amazing Web Framework!
- Django Debug Toolbar - Displays Various Debug Information.
- Django REST Framework - A powerful and flexible toolkit for building Web APIs.
- Django CORS Headers - Adds CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) headers to responses.
- Celery - An asynchronous task queue/job queue library.
- Redis - An in-memory data structure store, cache & message broker.
- FeedParser - Parse RSS and Atom feeds in Python.
- Psychopg - A popular PostgreSQL adapter for Python.
- PostgreSQL - Object-Relational DBMS
- Bootstrap - A great boilerplate UI framework.
- FontAwesome - The iconic font and CSS toolkit.
- Simple Line Icons - Another great CSS icon font toolkit.
- SpinKit - Simple loading spinners animated with CSS.
- DataTables - To enhance the accessibility of data in HTML tables.
- jQuery - The Write Less, Do More, JavaScript Library.
Visit the Demo website at https://jb-newsproject.herokuapp.com to see this project in action.
Work in progress.