
A fullstack NodeJS monorepo boilerplate template for bootstrapping an MVP in a weekend.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

AntiMemer FullStack Boilerplate Template

A full stack monorepo boilerplate template for bootstrapping an MVP.


  • Add Sendgrid SMTP for password reset/email verification
  • Add Sentry error monitoring/logging
  • Add demo page for relay style cursor based pagination techniques
  • Add Vercel/Heroku deployment configs and documentation
  • Add Github Actions config
  • Add Doppler option for env config management
  • Add S3 file hosting support



If somethings worth doing; its worth OVERDOING doing with MAXIMUM EFFORT. This is especially true when creating fun web service as a meme or weekend project.

In the past I've used various boilerplate configs to boostrap dumb ideas, so I thought I'd upload my own that I use.


Here are some open source projects that have been my recent favorites that I used before deciding to piece this one together.

What's inside?

The following is what I define as the Anti-Memer stack,

  • React
  • Nest.JS
  • Next.JS
  • PNPM
  • Light/Dark Mode
  • JWT auth w/ refresh tokens through passport.js
  • 100% TypeScript
  • Fully Dockerized
  • Rest/GraphQL Interfaces
  • PostgreSQL
  • Prisma ORM
  • Example seed data
  • Example test cases
  • Apollo Client/Server
  • Fastify
  • Mantine UI
  • Husky
  • Graphql Code Generator
  • Eslint
  • Prettier
  • Turborepo

Apps and Packages

  • api: A Nest.js app
  • web: A Next.js app
  • ui: a stub React component library that could be shared amongst apps or micro frontends.
  • config: eslint configurations (includes eslint-config-next and eslint-config-prettier)
  • tsconfig: tsconfig.jsons used throughout the monorepo

Each package/app is 100% TypeScript.


This repo has some additional tools already setup for you:


This repository is used in the npx create-turbo@latest command, and selected when choosing which package manager you wish to use with your monorepo (PNPM).


To build all apps and packages, run the following command:

pnpm run build


To develop all apps and packages, run the following command:

pnpm run dev

Remote Caching

Turborepo can use a technique known as Remote Caching (Beta) to share cache artifacts across machines, enabling you to share build caches with your team and CI/CD pipelines.

By default, Turborepo will cache locally. To enable Remote Caching (Beta) you will need an account with Vercel. If you don't have an account you can create one, then enter the following commands:

pnpx turbo login

This will authenticate the Turborepo CLI with your Vercel account.

Next, you can link your Turborepo to your Remote Cache by running the following command from the root of your turborepo:

pnpx turbo link



Prisma Setup

1. Install Dependencies

Install Nestjs CLI to start and generate CRUD resources

npm i -g @nestjs/cli

Install the dependencies for the Nest application:

npm install

2. PostgreSQL with Docker

Setup a development PostgreSQL with Docker. Copy .env.example and rename to .env - cp .env.example .env - which sets the required environments for PostgreSQL such as POSTGRES_USER, POSTGRES_PASSWORD and POSTGRES_DB. Update the variables as you wish and select a strong password.

Start the PostgreSQL database

docker-compose -f docker-compose.db.yml up -d
# or
npm run docker:db

3. Prisma Migrate

Prisma Migrate is used to manage the schema and migration of the database. Prisma datasource requires an environment variable DATABASE_URL for the connection to the PostgreSQL database. Prisma reads the DATABASE_URL from the root .env file.

Use Prisma Migrate in your development environment to

  1. Creates migration.sql file
  2. Updates Database Schema
  3. Generates Prisma Client
npx prisma migrate dev
# or
npm run migrate:dev

If you like to customize your migration.sql file run the following command. After making your customizations run npx prisma migrate dev to apply it.

npx prisma migrate dev --create-only
# or
npm run migrate:dev:create

If you are happy with your database changes you want to deploy those changes to your production database. Use prisma migrate deploy to apply all pending migrations, can also be used in CI/CD pipelines as it works without prompts.

npx prisma migrate deploy
# or
npm run migrate:deploy

4. Prisma: Prisma Client JS

Prisma Client JS is a type-safe database client auto-generated based on the data model.

Generate Prisma Client JS by running

Note: Every time you update schema.prisma re-generate Prisma Client JS

npx prisma generate
# or
npm run prisma:generate

5. Seed the database data with this script

Execute the script with this command:

npm run seed

6. Start NestJS Server

Run Nest Server in Development mode:

npm run start

# watch mode
npm run start:dev

Run Nest Server in Production mode:

npm run start:prod

GraphQL Playground for the NestJS Server is available here: http://localhost:3000/graphql

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GraphQL Playground

Open up the example GraphQL queries and copy them to the GraphQL Playground. Some queries and mutations are secured by an auth guard. You have to acquire a JWT token from signup or login. Add the accessTokenas followed to HTTP HEADERS in the playground and replace YOURTOKEN here:

  "Authorization": "Bearer YOURTOKEN"

Rest Api

RESTful API documentation available with Swagger.


Nest server is a Node.js application and it is easily dockerized.

See the Dockerfile on how to build a Docker image of your Nest server.

Now to build a Docker image of your own Nest server simply run:

# give your docker image a name
docker build -t <your username>/nest-prisma-server .
# for example
docker build -t nest-prisma-server .

After Docker build your docker image you are ready to start up a docker container running the nest server:

docker run -d -t -p 3000:3000 --env-file .env nest-prisma-server

Now open up localhost:3000 to verify that your nest server is running.

When you run your NestJS application in a Docker container update your .env file

- DB_HOST=localhost
# replace with name of the database container
+ DB_HOST=postgres

# Prisma database connection

If DATABASE_URL is missing in the root .env file, which is loaded into the Docker container, the NestJS application will exit with the following error:

(node:19) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: error: Environment variable not found: DATABASE_URL.
  -->  schema.prisma:3
 2 |   provider = "postgresql"
 3 |   url      = env("DATABASE_URL")

Docker Compose

You can also setup a the database and Nest application with the docker-compose

# building new NestJS docker image
docker-compose build
# or
npm run docker:build

# start docker-compose
docker-compose up -d
# or
npm run docker

Schema Development

Update the Prisma schema prisma/schema.prisma and after that run the following two commands:

npx prisma generate
# or in watch mode
npx prisma generate --watch
# or
npm run prisma:generate
npm run prisma:generate:watch

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NestJS - Api Schema

The schema.graphql is generated with code first approach from the models, resolvers and input classes.

You can use class-validator to validate your inputs and arguments.


To implement the new query, a new resolver function needs to be added to users.resolver.ts.

@Query(returns => User)
async getUser(@Args() args): Promise<User> {
  return await this.prisma.client.user(args);

Restart the NestJS server and this time the Query to fetch a user should work.

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GraphQL Client

A GraphQL client is necessary to consume the GraphQL api provided by the NestJS Server.

Checkout Apollo a popular GraphQL client which offers several clients for React, Angular, Vue.js, Native iOS, Native Android and more.

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