
Customize+ is a plugin for Dalamud that allows you to create and apply Anamnesis-style body scaling full time.


Add the following URL to the Dalamud Custom Plugin Repositories list:
Alternatively use the Collective repo Sea of Stars which you can get from here:
Then search for Customize+ in the plugin manager.

How do I report an issue with Customize+?

Please use the Issue tab to report issues with Customize+. Issues reported on Discord will be removed.

Where do I learn how to use Customize+?

Most of the things should be self-explanatory, if you do need help you can join the XIV Tools Discord and self assign yourself the Customize+ role and ask in the appropriate channel.

When will it be updated?

Release dates cannot be forecast, as this is a project worked on in the developers' free time. Real life and paid employment take priority over development of free tools for a subscription MMO for which the developers receive no compensation.