UE4-based electric tunnel environments and data (RGBD, Lidar, IMU, etc.) collection scripts.
Data description
Total 5 electric tunnel environments were built, each with distinctive tunnel shape, electric wire shape, wall and floor texture, and objects arrangement. Each environment is named as "MAP****_origin" and the changed version is named as "MAP****_change". Every environment is saved in the form of rosbag file, which contains all necessary information to explore the environment.
Contents in the rosbag file
In rosbag file, various types of information helps exploring the electric tunnel environments is stored.
- tf
- Camera
- Camera information
- Rectified RGB image
- Depth information
- Odometry information
- Landmarks
- OctoMap
- Cloud map
Difference between the original and changed environment
There are several differences between the original and changed environment. The basic structure of the tunnel including tunnel shape, electric wire, and wall and floor texture remains the same. But the situation in the tunnel such as objects arrangement or emergencies are mainly changed.
Change of the object location
- Fall of fire extinguishers, lamps and warning signs
- Translation or rotation of boxes and tanks
- Generation of unkown objects such as wires, boxes, and even human
- Fire, smoke and heat
Download Links
- MAP0001_origin (1.15GB)
- MAP0001_change (1.74GB)
- MAP0002_origin (1.18GB)
- MAP0002_change (0.57GB)
- MAP0003_origin (1.45GB)
- MAP0003_change (1.13GB)
- MAP0004_origin (1.53GB)
- MAP0004_change (1.23GB)
- MAP0005_origin (1.09GB)
- MAP0005_change (1.34GB)
Run follwing commands to visualize the information in the rosbag file.
# new terminal
source Airsim/ros/devel/setup.bash
roslaunch rtabmap_ros rgbd_mapping.launch
rosbag play map****_origin.bag
Then the RTABMAP results will pop up as shown below.
1. Environment setup (Install ROS, UE4, Airsim, RTABMAP, etc)
- Follow instructions here
2. Build electric tunnel project with UE4
- Purchase and download maps from UE4 Epic Game Launcher
- Tutorials YouTube
3. Run AirSim on the project
4. Open new terminals
# new terminal for roscore
# new terminal for ros topics
cd AirSim/PythonClient/car; python kinect_publisher_car.py
# new terminal for RTABMAP
source Airsim/ros/devel/setup.bash; roslaunch rtabmap_ros rgbd_mapping.launch
# new terminal for saving
rosbag record -a
Please consider citing this project in your publications if it helps your research. The following is a BibTeX reference. The BibTeX entry requires the url LaTeX package.
author = {Park, Jinman and Yoo, Sangmin and Lee, Sunkyung and Jang, Jaehyuk},
title = {{3D change Detection using image resynthesis from 3D mapping in underground environments}},
year = {2020},
publisher = {GitHub},
journal = {GitHub repository},
howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/SAMMiCA/Scenario1-3D-Change-Detection}}
This work was supported by Institute of Information & communications Technology Planning & Evaluation(IITP) grant funded by Korea government(MSIT) (No.2020-0-00440, Development of Artificial Intelligence Technology that Continuously Improves Itself as the Situation Changes in the Real World)