
This work aims to synthesize and analyze the growing body of literature connecting COVID-19 infections with potential long-term neurological impacts, particularly neurodegenerative processes.

Exploring the Current State of Knowledge on the Link Between COVID-19 and Neurodegeneration

This repository contains the data and source code used in our research titled "Exploring the Current State of Knowledge on the Link Between COVID-19 and Neurodegeneration using Natural language Processing and Knowledge Graphs".

Table of Contents

Project Structure

├── README.md                        # Project overview and instructions
├── LICENSE                          # License information
├── requirements.txt                 # Python dependencies
├── src/                             # Core source code for the project
│   ├── data_processing/             # Scripts for data extraction and preprocessing
│   ├── model/                       # Model training and inference scripts
│   ├── utils/                       # Utility functions and helper scripts
│   └── main.py                      # Main script to run the project
├── data/                            # Data directory
│   ├── raw/                         # Raw data (images and publication figures)
│   ├── processed/                   # Processed data ready for modeling
│   └── samples/                     # Sample images for testing
├── output/                          # Output directory
│   ├── results/                     # Extracted entities and triples
│   └── logs/                        # Logs from model runs and other processes
├── notebooks/                       # Jupyter notebooks for experiments and analysis
│   ├── exploration.ipynb            # Data exploration and initial analysis
│   ├── model_training.ipynb         # Model training and evaluation
│   └── results_analysis.ipynb       # Analysis of model results
├── scripts/                         # Standalone scripts for specific tasks
│   ├── download_data.py             # Script to download data from sources
│   └── preprocess_images.py         # Script to preprocess images
└── tests/                           # Unit and integration tests
    ├── test_data_processing.py      # Tests for data processing functions
    └── test_model.py                # Tests for model functions


For any questions, suggestions, or collaborations, please contact:

Feel free to reach out for any questions or discussions regarding the project.