Primary LanguagePython

The steps to run are as follows:

  1. Data processing

    1.1 Obtain dataset from https://github.com/OanaMariaCamburu/e-SNLI;

    1.2 Extract rationlaes, which can refer to https://github.com/SCUT-CCNL/Expl-NLI;

  2. Processing the knowledge graph (ConceptNet),

    2.1 cd ./process/;

    2.2 Using extract_cpnet.py to extract concepts from ConceptNet;

    2.3 Us graph_construction.py to construct the corresponding graph of ConceptNet;

    2.4 Using snli_ground_concepts_simple.py to extract the concepts in the e-SNLI dataset;

    2.5 Using snli-diff_find_neighbors.py to construct the subgraph of each sample in e-SNLI;

    2.6 Using snli_filter_triple.py to obtain the final subgraph by the rule introduced in our paper;

  3. Model train

    3.1 cd ./train and eval/

    3.2 Download the corresponding files of gpt2 model from "https://s3.amazonaws.com/models.huggingface.co/bert/gpt2-XXX;

    3.3 Train the KxNLI model using snli_main.py with default parameters;

  4. Model inference

    4.1 cd ./train and eval/

    4.2 Using snli_inference.py for model inference with default parameters;

    4.2 Using eval_NLE.py to evaluate the generated NLEs;

    4.3 Using snli_RoBERTa.py to measure the faithfulness of the generated NLEs;

  5. Transfer performance: replace the SNLI dataset with the MultiNLI dataset, and then perform the above steps;

  6. Execute the idea of this article on the vanilla seq2seq model

    6.1 cd ./vanilla_seq2seq/

    6.2 Prepare the required data and save it in the ./vanilla_seq2seq/data directory

    6.3 Using the TransE model to encode concepts in subgraphs, refer to OpenKE (https://github.com/thunlp/OpenKE)

    6.4 Using train.py for model train;

    6.5 Use infer.py for model inference;


This repo is built upon the following works:

  1. LIREx: Augmenting Language Inference with Relevant Explanations. https://github.com/zhaoxy92/LIREx

  2. Language Generation with Multi-hop Reasoning on Commonsense Knowledge Graph https://github.com/cdjhz/multigen

Many thanks to the authors and developers!