
(Mirror) Loads a file in Sample-Set schema into the Data Catalog

Primary LanguagePython

Samples Metadata Loader

Key Facts

# Loads a file in _samples-schema_ format into the Data Catalog # Only loads if file validates and file references can be resolved # Relies on datacatalog.managers.sampleset for loading # Records its progress as a PipelineJjob # Supports V2 schema


The deployed actor responds to a JSON message in this schema, where the URI points to a conversion output from metadata-converter

    "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
    "$id": "https://schema.catalog.sd2e.org/schemas/agave-files-uri-message.json",
    "title": "AgaveFilesUriMessage",
    "description": "Request conversion of a lab samples file",
    "type": "object",
    "additionalProperties": false,
    "properties": {
        "uri": {
            "$ref": "agave_files_uri.json",
            "description": "Agave-canonical path to a lab metadata file"
    "required": ["uri"]


The actor loads or updates the MongoDb that underpins the Data Catalog system. It produces no file products, nor does it message other actors.

  1. Slack messages to #notifications are generated at start and on success or failure
  2. Logs are aggregrated in the project-wide Logtrail

Interactive Usage

This project is not intended for interactive usage.
