
This is the prompt for the Unit 3 Project. For this project, you will be creating a full-stack PERN application with Auth.

Project 3 - Group Project: Full-Stack PERN



Your task is to work as a team to build a full-stack Postresql/Express/React/Node application with a functioning backend and frontend with user authentication. Try to think about building an application that will create an engaging user experience and be creative in your concept.

For Project Approval

  • Detailed ReadMe (Name, links to socials, a detailed description of your project, technologies used)
  • Full Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) for the backend
  • Component Hierarchy Diagram (Lucidchart, draw.io, etc.) for the frontend
  • Trello Board that tells the development story of your app
  • Pitch deck explaining your idea and it's practical use-case (Google Slides, Powerpoint, etc.) to be presented by your group on Friday (April 15th)
  • Project must be well-scoped, meaning that your team can capably reach MVP by the due date (April 22nd)

Project Approval Due Date: Friday, April 15th @ 9AM EST

Project Requirements (MVP)

Your project must:

  • Be setup in two new repos (one for backend, one for front end) with separate development branches for each group member.
  • Be a realistic idea. It cannot be anything we've created in class. It also cannot be from an online tutorial or walkthrough.
  • Include a beautiful, professional ReadMe.md (use markdown).
  • Your ReadMe should have your group members names, links to socials, a detailed description of your project, technologies used, a getting started section (with links to your deployed site and Trello), screenshots of your final product (no more than 2-3), future updates, and credits.
  • Include a minimum of 3 Sequelize Models (models).
  • At least one 1 to MANY or MANY to MANY association.
  • Have full CRUD operations (POST, GET, PUT, DELETE) on at least one model.
  • Integrate User Authentication with JWT and utilize protected routes on the frontend.
  • Have at least 80 meaningful git commits - roughly 20+ per member utilizing branches and merging. You should be committing your changes to your branch every time you build a new feature, merging, and pulling them as a group.
  • Your code should be properly indented, spaced, and within code blocks. DO NOT leave in commented out code that was left unused (bad practice).
  • Both repos deployed on Heroku.

Project Due Date: Friday, April 22nd @ 130PM EST

Post-MVP Ideas


  • Research what you consider the best websites out there to get ideas/inspiration.
  • Decide who will be git lead in your group and start brainstorming as soon as possible.
  • Commit early (day one) and often (everytime you implement a new feature).
  • Implement all project requirements first before moving on to post-mvp features.
  • Make it look professional (this is for you to showcase on your portfolio - it could land you a job).

A Note on Plagiarism

  • Plagiarism is a serious offense and grounds for immediate withdrawal.
  • You are encouraged to ask others, including students, instructors, and Stack Overflow for help. However, it is not acceptable to copy another persons code and submit it as your own. More importantly, it is detrimental to your learning and growth.
  • Small snippets of code that solve small problems taken from Stack Overflow are generally an exception to this rule. If you aren't sure, it is your responsibility to ask your instructor. To be on the safe side, we ask that you credit the person/resource you got the code from in a comment, and let an instructor take a look at it.