
Pure fixed-point math functions

Opened this issue · 7 comments

Required Skills: C++

Difficulty: Easy

We should add additional math operations to our fixed-point implementation, so that all calculations can be done purely deterministic.

The fpm library already has these operations and could be used as an inspiration.

Interesting for us:

  • sqrt
  • min
  • max
  • abs
  • hypot
  • atan2

Nice to have:

  • sin
  • cos
  • tan
  • pow
  • log

Further Reading

@mingjuu You can :)

I'll assign you right now and if you have any questions, feel free to ask here or in chat.

Hello, I am new to the project and wish I could join you. Can you assign this issue to me so that I can start from here?

@AyiStar sure :)

@heinezen Thank! I will touch you if I have any questions.


Is there anything left to do here that I can contribute to?

@adamresemius Yes, the unticked boxes in the issue description is what's not implemented at the moment.

I think I know how to implement the other functions in fpm. I have pow already on mine.