
EASpiNN is the framework for asynchronous fashion Spiking Neural Networks acceleration on Xilinx SoC FPGA boards. The framework is scalable to run any dense layer networks on a given Xilinx SoC FPGA board. The networks have been evaluated on MNIST dataset.

Download EASpiNN

git clone

Setup Requirements

  1. Evaluated hardware platforms:

    • Xilinx SoC FPGA:
      • Xilinx ZCU 104 Board
  2. Software tools:

    • HLS tool:
      • Xilinx SDSoC 2019.1

Accelerate SNN Algorithm using EASpiNN

Assuming you are in the project home directory of the checked out EASpiNN github repo.

  • The following network configurations are evaluated.

    Network Configuration
    Dense-1 Input-500-100-Output
    Dense-2 Input-1200-1200-Output
  • Choose the network that you wish to run. Include the network in tb.cpp

  • Modify the configuartion in includes/header.h

  • The Unroll parameters for each board varies based on the available resources in the board.

  • The parameters are choosen such that the resource utilization is around 80% utilized for all the resources (BRAM, URAM, DSP, LUT, FF).

Build EASpiNN Design

  • Create a project in SDSoC application for every network.
  • Add all the files in the project.
    • Software Mode
      • Build the project.
    • Hardware Mode
      • Toggle network function to Hardware.
      • Set Hardware at 100MHz.
      • Build the project.


* Once the build is over, an SD Card folder is created.
* Copy the folder contents to an SD card.
* Insert the SD card to the FPGA board.
* Set the FPGA board in SD card boot mode.
* Boot the FPGA and visualize in serial monitor.
* Change the directory to mount (`cd /mnt`)
* Run the application `./snn <number of images>`.


If you have further questions about EASpiNN, please contact: