
[FCCM 2023] PASTA: Programming and Automation Support for Scalable Task-Parallel HLS Programs on Modern Multi-Die FPGAs

Primary LanguageC


PASTA is built upon TAPA and adds buffer channel support. If you're not familiar with the TAPA project please refer to TAPA and its documentation here.

Summary of Usage

TAPA supports FIFO stream based communication channels between tasks. With PASTA, a producer task can send a chunk of data (under the hood stored in BRAMs or URAMs) to a consumer task in a ping-pong fashion.

Expand this to see example usage.

Buffer channel configuration

A buffer channel declaration looks like the following:

tapa::buffer<float[NX][NY][NZ],      // the type, followed by the dimensions and their sizes
             2,                      // the no of sections (e.g. 2 for ping-pong)
             tapa::array_partition<  // a list of partition strategy for each dimension
                tapa::normal,        // normal partitioning (no partitioning)
                tapa::cyclic<2>,     // cyclic partition with factor of 2, block is also supported
                tapa::complete       // complete partitioning
             tapa::memcore<tapa::bram> // the memcore to use, can be BRAM and URAM

Usage of buffers in tasks

Note that in the example below ... show truncated text to keep the example clean.

// renaming types for easier writing
using buf_type_t = tapa::buffer<int[10][20], 2, tapa::array_partition<tapa::normal>, tapa::memcore<tapa::BRAM>>;
using ibuf_type_t = tapa::ibuffer<int[10][20], 2, tapa::array_partition<tapa::normal>, tapa::memcore<tapa::BRAM>>;
using obuf_type_t = tapa::obuffer<int[10][20], 2, tapa::array_partition<tapa::normal>, tapa::memcore<tapa::BRAM>>;

// the producer task which writes a chunk of data
void producer(obuf_type_t& buf_out, ...) {
    for (int t = 0; t < 10; t++) {
        // block till we get enough space on channel to write a 2D array of [10][20] integers.
        auto section = buf_out.acquire();
        // get a reference to the underlying memory region
        auto& memref = section();
        // write to memref in any order possible.
        // - random dynamically accessed writes/reads are allowed. its equivalent of interacting with an array of shape [10][20] in HLS.
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < 20; j++) {
                memref[i][j] = some_integer_value();
        // once `section` goes out of scope, it automatically tells the consumer task that it can start reading

// the consumer task which reads a chunk of data
void consumer(ibuf_type_t& buf_in, ...) {
    for (int t = 0; t < 10; t++) {
        // block till we get a valid chunk to read. the chunk is  a 2D array of [10][20] integers.
        auto section = buf_out.acquire();
        // get a reference to the underlying memory region
        auto& memref = section();
        // read from the memref as desired
        // - random dynamically accessed reads/writes are allowed. its equivalent of interacting with an array of shape [10][20] in HLS.
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < 20; j++) {
                memref[i][j] = some_integer_value();
        // once `section` goes out of scope, it automatically tells the producer task that the consumer is done reading and
        // the memory region can be used to write new data again

void top(...) {
    buf_type_t buf_name;
      .invoke(producer, buf_name, ...)
      .invoke(consumer, buf_name, ...);

Help Needed?

Please feel free to reach out to us if you need any help at moazinkhatri@gmail.com or moazin_khatti@sfu.ca. You can also feel free to file issues in the repository.


The PASTA work has been published at FCCM 2023.

M. Khatti, X. Tian, Y. Chi, L. Guo, J. Cong and Z. Fang, "PASTA: Programming and Automation Support for Scalable Task-Parallel HLS Programs on Modern Multi-Die FPGAs," 2023 IEEE 31st Annual International Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines (FCCM), Marina Del Rey, CA, USA, 2023, pp. 12-22, doi: 10.1109/FCCM57271.2023.00011.

The TAPA and Autobridge work that this framework is built upon has been published at FCCM 2021, FPGA 2021 and TRETS 2023.

Y. Chi, L. Guo, J. Lau, Y. -k. Choi, J. Wang and J. Cong, "Extending High-Level Synthesis for Task-Parallel Programs," 2021 IEEE 29th Annual International Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines (FCCM), Orlando, FL, USA, 2021, pp. 204-213, doi: 10.1109/FCCM51124.2021.00032.

Licheng Guo, Yuze Chi, Jie Wang, Jason Lau, Weikang Qiao, Ecenur Ustun, Zhiru Zhang, and Jason Cong. 2021. AutoBridge: Coupling Coarse-Grained Floorplanning and Pipelining for High-Frequency HLS Design on Multi-Die FPGAs. In The 2021 ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA '21). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 81–92. https://doi.org/10.1145/3431920.3439289

Licheng Guo, Yuze Chi, Jason Lau, Linghao Song, Xingyu Tian, Moazin Khatti, Weikang Qiao, Jie Wang, Ecenur Ustun, Zhenman Fang, Zhiru Zhang, and Jason Cong. 2023. TAPA: A Scalable Task-parallel Dataflow Programming Framework for Modern FPGAs with Co-optimization of HLS and Physical Design. ACM Trans. Reconfigurable Technol. Syst. 16, 4, Article 63 (December 2023), 31 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3609335