SIVIC is an open-source, standards-based software framework and application suite for processing and visualizing DICOM MR Spectroscopy data. Through the use of DICOM, SIVIC aims to facilitate the application of MRS in medical imaging studies. The SIVIC code repository lives on github but our user portal is on sourceforge.
- aeiwzCASIX
- agentmessUniversity of California - San Francisco
- amirshamaeiInstitute of Scientific Instruments of the Czech Academy of Sciences Research institute in Brno
- barantin
- beckolsonUCSF
- BrainBehaviour
- brockholzer@snapappointments
- ck37Harvard Medical School, Mass General Hospital
- FelixLiu-SFUCSF
- galenreedGE Healthcare
- hamzamu
- jccrane
- jingzhehu
- julclu@ucsf @genentech
- lc7404
- longluoShenzhen, China
- maidensBerkeley, CA
- maryamv
- Max-FuBerkeley, CA
- Microdeep-ZL
- sandeepganji
- saqlz
- shitou333111
- Sung-hanLin
- wafaela
- waitingkuoTaipei, Taiwan
- weweliang
- wjh2005
- yinggo