Compiling issues VS2022

oesi82 opened this issue · 4 comments


When compiling and building the INSTALL target with VS2022 under Win10 there is a bunch of errors.
OpenMP is activated in the project properties (-openmp).


Thank you,

Hi @oesi82 ,

Thanks for the report, I'll try to replicate the error.

Same problem here.
Disabling OpenMP manually in VS helps solving most of the errors. Some errors remain in ForceOpenGRInstallation, but Super4PCS.exe is built correctly.

The problem i having is object file format limit. asking me add bigobj. Its a library project so I dont have the C++ option in properties. How do i go around it? Using VS 20222
Screenshot 2022-09-10 032351

Indeed I have the same problem in Win10 VS2019.
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error C1128 number of sections exceeded object file format limit: compile with /bigobj D:\API\OpenGR\out\build\x64-Debug\OpenGR D:\API\OpenGR\apps\Super4PCS\ 1