- 0
Having some troubles with my data
#127 opened by Spicedsalt - 1
PCL 1.8 和1.10
#126 opened by guodong188 - 3
- 0
Unused variables
#124 opened by afabri - 3
2D point clouds registration?
#114 opened by cjamin - 0
Why isn't my use of Super4PCS working?
#121 opened by XZRRRRRR - 4
Compiling issues VS2022
#111 opened by oesi82 - 5
compilation issue with vs2017 and cmake
#106 opened by eesd21 - 0
- 0
- 3
Registration with scale
#112 opened by 453875726 - 0
Rigid Similarity Transformation Algorithm
#118 opened by jeffryhartanto - 0
[bug]possible bug in calculating number_of_trials_ ?
#117 opened by ransac96 - 0
`PLY parser: property x cannot be coerced to requested type float. Has type double`
#116 opened by satyajitghana - 0
Data precision issue
#115 opened - 2
Align two 2D point cloud, I set the value z=0 for all points, the rotation of result is identity matrix?
#43 opened by lfy-gogogo - 0
"sq_max_base_diameter_: XXX"
#113 opened by cjamin - 0
Update changelog + prepare next release
#110 opened by nmellado - 2
Input Cloud Point type
#107 opened by xiaolongDGitHub - 0
Uniform file headers
#109 opened by nmellado - 6
How to set parameters more reasonably when using the data collected by Kinect
#98 opened by edwinlu-hdu - 2
- 0
- 4
Scale between 3d CAD model and scene
#41 opened - 2
Problem with test
#70 opened by fotsing365 - 3
- 4
[bug]I can't use my own datas to test
#91 opened by BlademasterQAQ - 7
- 3
Potential bug in congruent set exploration
#89 opened by nmellado - 0
Min/max errors with visual
#83 opened by maxGimeno - 2
[Question] Sub-sampling method
#86 opened by maximecharriere - 1
link to cgal
#85 opened by 821736960 - 11
compile error
#84 opened by 821736960 - 7
make error.
#75 opened by tiexuedanxin - 4
Problem with OpenGRConfig.cmake
#78 opened by maxGimeno - 5
reserved identifier violation
#47 opened by elfring - 6
- 9
Is VC++ a supported platform
#39 opened by afabri - 1
Linking errors for header only libraries
#58 opened by jola6897 - 3
No setter for options in PCL wrapper
#55 opened by LorenzBung - 1
- 7
Compile error when using ROS. Could not find a package configuration file provided by "OpenGR"
#63 opened by astronaut71 - 8
Compile error with Ubuntu 16.04
#61 opened by astronaut71 - 1
- 1
git submodule on Windows
#38 opened by afabri - 3
how to save the pointcloud after registration and why the pointcloud lose RGB information
#50 opened by x1597275 - 4
make Meshlab_install_plugin
#49 opened by monage2018 - 4
- 1
Match4PCSBase::TryCongruentSet issue
#42 opened by easterngarden - 2
Where is demo
#35 opened by getupgetup