link to cgal
821736960 opened this issue · 1 comments
Sorry to bother you .
I try again with VS2019 built in cmake, rather than cmake standalone. I edit the Cmakesettings.json as follows:
"configurations": [
"name": "x64-Release",
"generator": "Ninja",
"configurationType": "RelWithDebInfo",
"inheritEnvironments": [ "msvc_x64_x64" ],
"buildRoot": "E:/OpenGR/build",
"installRoot": "E:/OpenGR/build/install",
"cmakeCommandArgs": "",
"buildCommandArgs": "-v",
"ctestCommandArgs": "",
"variables": []
It compiles and installed successfully. In E:/OpenGR/build/install , I got these folders: -assets-bin-doc-include-lib-scripts.
I run the /scripts/run-example and it runs successfully. But when I run /bin/Super4PCS.exe with two hippo.obj, the result is
PS E:\OpenGR\build\install\bin> ./Super4PCS -i ../assets/hippo1.obj ../assets/hippo2.obj -o 0.3 -n 500
Starting registration
norm_max_dist: 5
create tree
create tree ... DONE (8 points)
Initial LCP: 1
Score: 1
(Homogeneous) Transformation from ../assets/hippo2.obj to ../assets/hippo1.obj:
1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1
Exporting Registered geometry to output.obj...
Export DONE
It seems not work.
And I have another question about how to link OpenGr to CGAL.
Now I got three OpenGRConfig.cmake files, which are
So which one should I link to OpenGR_DIR(at cmake-gui) when compile CGAL-5.1.2\examples\Point_set_processing_3?
I tried all of them. Two of them can compile successfully. But when I open the project: registration_with_OpenGR in VS2019 and build it. It says
Error: cannot read file E:/CGAL-5.1.2-examples/CGAL-5.1.2/examples/Point_set_processing_3/data/hippo1.ply
While other projects which dont need OpenGR can run well.
It is an issue about CGAL demos. Now everything works well. Thanks.