

IUB Student Enrollment Analyzer

This app was a project given from my university (IUB) course called DBMS(Database Management System) which is based on large sets of real Enrollment Data from IRAS. Tasks were to make a system that:

  • Analyzes Enrollment Data
  • Manages data on a relational database
  • Generates specific reports on given functional requirements

Functional Requirements

The following eight analyses can be requested and viewed by the users using the system:

  • Classroom requirement summary based on class size, total slots per day, and course sections.
  • Comparison of number sections offered across schools for a selection of class sizes w.r.t each other as well as the total number of sections throughout the entire university in a given semester.
  • Resource usage summary from a comparison of average enrollment per course and average capacity per room.
  • Available resources summary based on capacity of all the different categories of rooms in the university and the number of such rooms with a given capacity to hold a number of students.
  • Comparative analysis of number of classrooms available per classroom size (i.e. capacity to hold a number of students) and number of rooms that are actually required.
  • Breakdown of the number of courses (sections) offered in each school w.r.t. number of students enrolled in them, starting from 1 and going up to the largest number of students enrolled, with an increment of 1.
  • Comparative analysis of the revenue generated by each school each semester as well as the percentage change in the overall total revenue of the university each semester.
  • Comparative analysis of the revenue generated by each department in SETS, also w.r.t. that of the school each semester and the percentage change in the revenues of each department as well as the overall total revenue of the school.


Here is the more detailed report on the system 👇🏻


What skill I am showcasing here?

  • SQL queries
  • ERD making
  • React Js
  • Neomorphic UI design pattern with CSS3 and bootstrap 5.
  • Rechart implementation
  • Working with Relational Database(MySQL) in Node JS
  • Extracting large sets of valid data from Excel and store it on RDBMS in backend
  • Team work with github

Notice 🔴

Just to let you know server code is bit unorganized here. To assess my proper organized backend code skill you can,

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