
A collection of various CMake experiments

Primary LanguageC++

A Collection of various Catkin builds


An experiment to perform custom CMake builds depending on a value of a system environment flag. [Note]Safety feature: A build error should be thrown if the system environment flag is missing.

To targeted ASV 2.0 platform:

rm -r build && export PLATFORM=ASV2 && catkin_make

To targeted AUV 3.X platform:

rm -r build && export PLATFORM=AUV3 && catkin_make

To Target to the AUV 4.0 platform:

rm -r build && export PLATFORM=AUV4 && catkin_make

Run the sample

rosrun sample TestDemo

Boost Python Binding

Please build with export PLATFORM=AUV4 && catkin_make

To run the python calling a custom C++ lib example

rosrun boost_python_catkin_example test.py

To run the C++ calling python (which uses a custom boost C++ lib) example

rosrun boost_python_catkin_example loadtest