
RayTracer computer graphic implementation for YoctoGL C++ framework

Primary LanguageC++

Yocto/Raytrace: Tiny Raytracer

In this homework, you will learn the basic of image synthesis by implementing a simple naive path tracer. In particular, you will learn how to

  • setup camera and image synthesis loops,
  • usa ray-intersection queries,
  • write simple shaders,
  • write a naive path tracer with simple sampling.


The code uses the library Yocto/GL, that is included in this project in the directory yocto. We suggest to consult the documentation for the library that you can find at the beginning of the header files. Also, since the library is getting improved during the duration of the course, se suggest that you star it and watch it on Github, so that you can notified as improvements are made. In particular, we will use

  • yocto_math.h: collection of math functions
  • yocto_image.{h,cpp}: image data structure and image loading and saving
  • yocto_commonio.h: helpers for writing command line apps
  • yocto_gui.{h,cpp}: helpers for writing simple GUIs

In order to compile the code, you have to install Xcode on OsX, Visual Studio 2019 on Windows, or a modern version of gcc or clang on Linux, together with the tools cmake and ninja. The script scripts/build.sh will perform a simple build on OsX. As discussed in class, we prefer to use Visual Studio Code, with C/C++ and CMake Tools extensions, that we have configured to use for this course.

You will write your code in the file yocto_raytrace.cpp for functions that are declared in yocto_raytrace.h. Your renderer is callsed by yscenetrace.cpp for a command-line interface and ysceneitraces.cpp that show a simple user interface.

This repository also contains tests that are executed from the command line as shown in run.sh. The rendered images are saved in the out/ directory. The results should match the ones in the directory check/.


In this homework you will implement the following features:

  • Main Rendering Loop in function trace_samples():
    • implement the main rendering loop considering only 1 sample (the loop over samples in done in the apps)
    • from the slides this is like the progressive rendering loop but only one sample
    • update the accumulation buffer, number of samples and final image for each pixel of the state object
    • use get_trace_shader_func() to get the shader from the options
    • implement both a simple loop over pixel and a parallel one, as shown in code
    • for each returns value from the shader, clamp its color if above params.clamp
  • Color Shader in function trace_color():
    • implement a shader that check for intersection and returns the material color
    • use intersect_scene_bvh() for intersection
  • Normal Shader in function trace_normal():
    • implement a shader that check for intersection and returns the normal as a color, with a scale and offset of 0.5 each
    • implement eval_normal() for this
  • Texcoord Shader in function trace_texcoord():
    • implement a shader that check for intersection and returns the texture
      coordinates as color in the red-green channels; use fmod() to force them in the [0, 1] range
    • implement eval_texcoord() for this
  • Eyelight Shader in function trace_eyelight():
    • implement a simple shader that compute diffuse lighting from the camera center as in the slides
    • use eval_normal() for this
  • Raytrace Shader in function trace_raytrace():
    • implement a shader that simulates illumination for a variety of materials structured following the steps in the lecture notes
    • implement environment lookup in eval_environment()
    • get position, normal and texcoords; correct normals for lines
    • get material values by multiply material constants and textures, evaluated using eval_texture() that you have to implement
    • implement polished transmission, polished metals, rough metals, rough plastic, and matte shading in hte order described in the slides
    • you can use any function from Yocto/Math such as math::fresnel_schlick(), math::microfacet_distribution() and math::microfacet_shadowing()

Extra Credit

Implement refraction using refract() for the direction, reflectivity_to_eta() to get the index of refraction from reflectivity (0.04), and remembering to invert the index of refraction when leaving a surface.


To submit the homework, you need to pack a ZIP file that contains the code you write and the images it generates, i.e. the ZIP with only the yocto_raytrace/ and out/ directories. The file should be called <numero_di_matricola>.zip and you should exclude all other directories. Send it on Google Classroom.