
Mobile manipulation research tools for roboticists

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

Home Robot

CircleCI Code style: black Imports: isort GitHub license Python 3.8 pre-commit

Your open-source robotic mobile manipulation stack

Core Concepts

This package assumes you have a low-cost mobile robot with limited compute -- initially a Hello Robot Stretch - and a "workstation" with more GPU compute. Both are assumed to be running on the same network.

In general this is the recommended workflow:

  • Turn on your robot; for the Stretch, run stretch_robot_home.py to get it ready to use.
  • From your workstation, connect to the robot and start a ROS launch file which brings up necessary low-level control and hardware drivers.
  • If desired, run rviz on the workstation to see what the robot is seeing.
  • Start running your AI code on the workstation!

We provide a couple connections for useful perception libraries like Detic and Contact Graspnet, which you can then use as a part of your methods.

Installation & Usage

This project contains numerous packages. See individual package docs for corresponding details & instructions.

Resource Description
home_robot Core package
home_robot_hw ROS package containing hardware drivers for the Hello Stretch Robot
home_robot_sim Simulation
home_robot_client Minimal remote client

Getting Started on the Hello Stretch

  1. Clone the repo on your Stretch Robot and the local GPU machine.

    git clone https://github.com/facebookresearch/home-robot.git
    # Make sure you update all submodules by running
    git submodule update --recursive --init

    If the modules do not update as expected, make sure that you have added the SSH public key of your robot and machine to authenticate your Github account.

    Set the env variables

    export HOME_ROBOT_ROOT=$(pwd)/home-robot
  2. Install the core home_robot python package. Main aspects reproduced here for convenience:

    For installing on workstation-side:

    cd $HOME_ROBOT_ROOT/src/home_robot
    mamba env create -n home_robot -f environment.yml
    conda activate home_robot
    pip install -e .

    For installing on robot-side:

    cd $HOME_ROBOT_ROOT/src/home_robot
    pip install -e .
  3. Install home_robot_hw and complete the setup. Main aspects reproduced here for convenience:

    # Create symlink in catkin workspace
    ln -s /abs/path/to/home-robot/src/home_robot_hw $HOME/catkin_ws/src/home_robot_hw
    # Install dependencies for catkin
    pip install empy catkin_pkg rospkg
    # Build catkin workspace
    cd ~/catkin_ws  
    rm -rf build/ devel/  # Optional to ignore stale cached files
    # Add newly built setup.bash to .bashrc
    echo "source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
  4. Launch the ROS hardware stack:

    conda deactivate  # If you are using conda - not required on robot!
    roslaunch home_robot_hw startup_stretch_hector_slam.launch

    Sanity check: run hardware test to test head movement, navigation (moved forward-left, turned to face right) and manipulation (lift upwards and extend outwards by 20cm).

    python tests/hw_manual_test.py


To develop in home-robot, install the git pre-commit hooks:

python -m pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install

Working with Stretch Environments

Assuming roslaunch home_robot_hw startup_stretch_hector_slam.launch is running in a separate terminal, you could run the following scripts:

Run simple navigation example (moves the robot forward by 0.25 m):

python src/home_robot_hw/home_robot_hw/env/simple_navigation_env.py

This file also serves as a simple example of how to setup your own environments implementing Stretch functionality. Every environment interfaces with the base Stretch controllers, models and environments to implement application-level requirements.

Collecting data on the real robot

We provide scripts to collect data in H5 format using Recorder class. Follow the instructions for recording these files. If your application needs more/fewer data-sources, sub-class Recorder and over-ride the save_frame method Collect the data through teleoperation.

python collect_h5.py --task_name TASK_NAME  --dir_path DIR_PATH

This will save the teleoperation files at DIR_PATH/TASK_NAME-{iteration}/{datetime}.h5.

Turn on the controller and make sure it is connected to the robot (top two blue lights should be on). To give trajectory commands through the Xbox controller, open a separate terminal and:

rosrun joy joy_node

Refer to official hello robot keybindings to learn how to operate Stretch with the controller. We also provide a Dataloaders to load data into torch (WIP).

Launching Grasping Demo (outdated)

You need to create a catkin workspace on your workstation in order to run this demo, as this is where we will run Contact Graspnet.

Contact graspnet is downloaded under third_party/, but there is a CATKIN_IGNORE file in this directory. You want to symlink this file out into your workspace:

ln -s `rospack find home_robot`/third_party/contact_graspnet $ROSWS/src/contact_graspnet

... but it actually shouldn't be necessary. What is necessary is to build the grasp service defined in home_robot by placing it into $ROSWS.

Put the robot in its initial position, e.g. so the arm is facing cups you can pick up. On the robot side:

roslaunch home_robot startup_stretch_hector_slam.launch

Note: Contact GraspNet

Contact graspnet is supported as a way of generating candidate grasps for the Stretch to use on various objects. We have our own fork of Contact Graspnet which has been modified with a ROS interface.

Follow the installation instructions as normal and start it with:

conda activate contact_graspnet_env
~/src/contact_graspnet$ python contact_graspnet/graspnet_ros_server.py  --local_regions --filter_grasps


  • ImportError: cannot import name 'gcd' from 'fractions': Launch ros nodes from an env with Python 3.8 instead of 3.9

Syncing code between Robot and Workstation

Let ROBOT_IP store the robot's IP and let WORKSTATION_IP store the workstation's IP. If your local network doesn't have access to internet we recommend using rsync with --update flag to sync your code changes across the machines. Usage:

rsync -rvu /abs/path/to/local/home-robot $ROBOT_USER@$ROBOT_IP:/abs/path/to/remote/home-robot

The above command will do a recursive updating of changed files while echoing a verbose output.

Code Contribution

We enforce linters for our code. The lint test will not pass if your code does not conform.

Install the git pre-commit hooks by running

pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install

To format manually, run: pre-commit run --show-diff-on-failure --all-files


Home Robot is MIT licensed. See the LICENSE for details.

References (temp)